Uninstall / reinstall CA


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In 20 yrs using CA never had to try this but first time of everything, I guess.

X15 has gotten clunky and slow - especially in vector views - plot lines to layout - materials loading in library- etc....

Lots of blue circle spinning


I have a solid computer Tech that I work with, and it appears the machine is not the issue - CPU isn't overworked and graphics card drivers are up to date.

(Although he did say it is possible the card could be wearing down?)


I also have X15 installed on my laptop and no such issues on that unit when opening the same files.


All this leads to me to believe I need to try a fresh install of X15-

My question is since I have never tried an uninstall/reinstall of any version of CA are there any suggested step I should taker prior to starting this process?

Obviously, I don't want to lose any of my library items - etc.....


Thanks in advance for any input...


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The short answer is no.  Uninstalling will not remove any plan files, toolbars, user libraries, preferences, or anything else that you customized.  You can back them up just in case, but this is probably something you should do on a regular basis.


Here is a tech article that has more info:



I kind of doubt that it will solve your problems though.  If you are having a system slowdown, then the uninstall won't fix it.  If you are having problems with your plans because they are doing something causing the slow down, then the uninstall won't fix it.


Here is another tech article that has more info about slow plans:



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I see in the trouble shooting slowness article it refers to working on files locally-

I do use One drive for all of my storage but have checked all files to be available on this device -


Is it possible this could be contributing to the issue in some way?

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This is basically a follow up to a post I made earlier that you replied to

"Materials slow to load and or open to edit"


You replied-

"Is the material using a texture (or map) file that is very high resolution?  Is it using a pattern that very high density or has a lot of lines?

My best guess is that it is something you did with the material.  If you want a better guess, post the plan or an exported library with the materials that are giving you problems."


I have attached a simple plan file that creates the situation when basically any plan material is opened for edit....

VINSON ADU 2ND IDEA-1.planFetching info...

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I have attached a simple plan file that creates the situation when basically any plan material is opened for edit....



Seems to be working fine for me.  Might not be a very good comparison because I was looking at it in X16 and there were 4 missing texture files.  If the missing texture files are the problem, then it might be because the program is slowing down while looking for them.  You could try looking at tools->checks->missing files to see if you are finding them on your machine.  If not, then try fixing or replacing them to see if it speeds things up.  Might want to purge your unused materials as well as merge the duplicates too.


Other than that, it might have something to do with how you're storing things on "one drive".  I don't use it so I can't really give you any advice.


If all else fails, you might want to try tech support on Monday.  


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  • 3 weeks later...

Wanted to follow up and let you know that this has been resolve through tech support- see their reply below-

I had run into issues with Nahimic in the past on and unrelated software program - seems like a nasty little add on.



It looks like you have a program called Nahimic running on your computer. Nahimic is an audio management service that sometimes comes preinstalled on gaming computers, and especially on Alienware computers, and is incompatible with Chief Architect, often causing crashing or preventing the program from starting. To get around this, we have to disable the Nahimic Service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting, I've heard of quite a few cases of Nahimic causing problems with Chief and other software. It came preinstalled on my Lenovo gaming desktop and it's never caused me any grief with Chief or other.  About 95% of crashing/performance issues I've had with Chief have been Nvidia driver related, but they've been pretty stable for the past year or so.

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