Elevation marker snap points


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This is probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway. When I prep our wall elevations for layout, I always place an elevation marker in the top left corner that shows the aprox. ceiling height. I am also very OCD about how things look on the layout, so whenever I place those markers, I draw a 10" cad box that will snap to the corner of the elevation, and then I snap the marker  to the corner of the cad box. This makes it so that all of the markers have a 10" offset from the view, in every view. Is there a way to achieve this offset without  the step of drawing a cad box?








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You can place the marker in the corner and then start to move it left and hit the tab key. enter your desired 10" distance, then enter again. no box required. 

Also you can set up the marker with text and macros, then save to your library for future use.

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Thank you both very much! I currently have a marker saved with a macro to give me the dimension from finished floor, to the finished ceiling. Alaskan, are saying that I can draw my 10" cad box with invisible lines and grab it and the marker to create a CAD block? Will the macro still work even though it is now in a CAD block? I will admit, I know VERY little about how to write macros, and I used Rene Rabbitt's Macro bot to create the one that I use for this. Sorry if I am not following, thanks again!

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