Disappearing floor plan


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What version are you using?  Might be a bug because I am not seeing this problem. 


I never actually use scroll bars though and had to figure out how to turn them back on just to see if I could.  I always use the zoom wheel on my mouse to move around.  You can also just click and drag the zoom wheel (or middle mouse) to pan around so for me the scroll bars just waste screen space.


One thing that might help is to see if hitting refresh (F5) will bring the screen back.  If it's a case of scrolling too far, you can also use fill screen (F6) to put it back on the screen.


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  • 2 months later...

Getting this error as well. X16 Mac intel

If I remember correctly, the first time it came back when I closed and reopened CA.

Now it's gone, except in 3d

..... turns out I was on floor zero, with no footers and framing layers off.


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