Creating and snapping to an off-angle wall


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I have a client who wants a very specific front and rear wall dimension in a breezeway addition in order to order to orient a new garage with the driveway.  This gives me a wall with an angle of ~99 deg - I've tried & the contractor has tried to talk 'em out of it, no dice.  I did get the off-angle wall to snap to the corners of the breezeway wall corners, but I cannot figure out how to get a simple CAD line to snap perpendicular to that wall (perp is turned on in Pref->Snaps, and works everywhere else, just not this off angle).  I'm going to try to create the square garage with CAD lines then trace walls over them. 


Is what I'm trying to do possible?

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Are you still on X11?  If not, you should probably update your signature.


Here are a few things that may help you (and I *think* they all work in X11):

 - you can make a cad line or wall perpendicular to an off angle wall using the make parallel/perpendicular tool.

 - you can always just type in any angle you want in either the wall or line dialog

 - you can setup allowed angles if you want to have a building that is on a non-standard angle

 - you can use edit area and transform/replicate or make parallel to move a set of walls to a new non-standard angle

 - probably some others that I have forgotten as well


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