Making temporary dimensions - permanent


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Hi, Im using Chief Premier X13

Wondering if there is a way to make temporary dimensions permanent annotation on the drawing.

I hate automatic dim. I just delete them instantly and I'm sure most of the users are with me on this, but when it comes to final annotations, i would love to have option where I can make temp.dim. - permanent, instead of drawing them one by one.

Please let me know if I just don't know about something obvious. 




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As far as I know, there is no way to make a temporary dimension permanent.


You can control your automatic dimensions through your dimension defaults and you should be able to make them look like you want.  You can also turn your auto dimensions into manual ones (just by editing them) so that you don't need to draw all of your manual dimensions "one by one".


If you want more help, you should probably explain what you don't like about the automatic dimensions and how you want them to look instead.  Then someone might be able to tell you how to do it.


Also, you may want to review this video series even though some of it may not apply to X13 most of it is still pretty useful:



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I agree with "DB" in that temporary dimensions are programmed to do what they do and I know of no way to reprogram them. So what you can do is to study the Dimension Defaults you DO have and work with those as intended (programmed) . What is there gives you lots of elbow room for customization within its basic programming: it is up to you to learn that programming, controlling and custom use.



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