Help with domed roof


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  On 8/29/2024 at 2:24 PM, amaliya said:

Just don't know how




Of course not, until you successfully create something one travels from unknowingness to then knowingness or competence. Every one has to do this, to walk this hill. You have lots of free resources (Chief, YouTube, and other  sites with helpful videos). Take it a piece at a time: first go to the Chief website and "search" using the term "curved roof" to start. Sudy the results and then create a useful product then on to the next needed items till you obtain your desired effects.



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Sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging. Don't you just

hate it when real life impinges on your message board



  On 8/30/2024 at 10:28 AM, amaliya said:

How did you do it?


Here is a sample plan for you to peruse.

Curved Roof.planFetching info...


  On 8/30/2024 at 10:53 AM, amaliya said:

in the photo the roof looks more complicated than in this render


This is where "modeling it to suit your needs" comes in.

This is a sample of what Chief is capable of. You need to tweak it

to suit your situation.


Hope some of this helps. If you need someone to step in and model it 

for you I would suggest listing this over on the Seeking Services forum.


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