Drag select studs


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On my floor plans I'll typically select a wall to frame and then only leave the studs next to openings or under point loads and then delete the others that I don't want to see on my floor plan.  I always hold left click drag select and then hit delete to get rid of the extra studs but as of today it won't select the studs.  I have to pick on each one individually.  I must have hit a setting somewhere but I have no clue as to what setting that is.  Other items still select that way, just not the studs.  Any hints as to what setting I must have changed?





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I'm bumping this and added a video.  I can't drag select studs multiple studs to delete. I used to be able to but all the sudden I can't and I need to select them individually to delete the ones I don't want to show on my floor plan.  Any help would be appreciated!

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I don't know if it changed because it looks like it works the same for me in X16 as it did in X15.


Eric's suggestion didn't work for me because it also selects your plates, unless you don't mind deleting those too.


I think you might have better luck by working in the wall detail.  Drag select seems to work much better there.


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The drag select does not seem to work with General Framing selected either.  I can select them individually but not a group of them by dragging.  I believe this might have changed after the last update on August 8th.  That's something I used everyday and I hope its just a glitch or a setting.  I just tried it in my X15 and it works (see attached video)

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I was able to get it to work in X15 but I had to change my preferences to "select contained objects".  This didn't work in X16 though so you might have found a new bug.  You should report it to tech support.


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