Accurate dimension lines when applying side panels to kitchen cabinets


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When I add a side panel to the end of a kitchen cabinet, it shows in elevation view, but when I auto dimension the elevation, it only dimensions the width of the cabinet and does not show dimensions for the side panels.  Is there a setting to fix this?

dimension question.png

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Unfortunately no, you are not missing a setting, Auto Panels do not Dimension , you have to use small CAD lines ( make them look like Ext. lines ) or make yourself some End Panels from the Appropriate Cabinet Type, 3/4" thick and save them in your User Library and then drop them into plan from your Library. there are Threads Here on doing that.



A Tip from Me would be to add your Forum Signature as so answers are Version specific , see Mine below , but knowing OS, Chief Version and sometimes Computer hardware is useful.



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17 minutes ago, DBCooper said:

Try turning on "Doors/Drawers/Panels" in your dimension locate settings under cabinets.  It seems to pick up automatic and manual side panels then.





This does work in newer versions perhaps X15 and X16 ? now hence the adding Signature Tip, I was assuming that if that didn't work , they must be using an older version, but maybe they just aren't aware of the Setting either?



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Kbird1 I tried changing this setting but it still doesn't show the integrated side panels. I am using Chief 16, newest version.  Such a bummer bc it is much easier than adding panels separately.  

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I take that back. It worked!!!!!
I had to add doors/drawers/panels to the  "locate auto elevation" tab in defaults.  
Now it shows the panels in the dimensions on my elevations!!!! Thank you.

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