Auto Detail, layering and Default setting.


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Back in ver. X15, the layering for Auto Detail was placed in separate "CAD, Default" layer.  which was great because I could change the line type to a thinner Line to print.


Now in X16,  the layering for Auto Detail was placed in same layer as the wall of its placing in "Wall, Normal" , "Wall, Foundation" layer. which takes the same line weigh that I can't change.


Is there a setting for Auto Detail, I can change the layering back to X15 method.



Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 11.55.51 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 11.58.44 AM.png

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During the Beta, I pointed out this unfortunate complication of something that was otherwise as simple as could be. I requested at least an option to generate the cad items on a single layer as in X15. The short answer is No, you are now stuck with multiple layers to manage for section views that use the Auto Detail tool. It might be a good idea to express your thoughts directly to Chief, perhaps additional voices can bring back an option for one of the few things that was still simple!


For section views, I always kept my default cad layer as the color red until all cleanup and adjustment were finished. This gave me a clean and simple visual cue as to where I needed to add or edit cad detailing. After my final review, I simply adjusted the layer color to black, just before printing. Visually this process helped me 'see' where I needed to work as opposed to 'looking' for those same areas.


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hi all,


this apparently, this feature is gone in X16.  but you can make a request to CA to have this feature in the "future version".


can we all submit a vote on this thread here, to have CA just to bring this back.


this is the Auto Detail now that we dont have option change line weight in the Details.  



Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 10.52.17 AM.png

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