X16 Instant Crash upon sending a plan to Layout


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Experienced user here: is anyone else having issues with sending Elevations to Layout in CA X16 ?

Even simple Elevations of Plans started in X16 lock up instantly upon sending to Layout.

Windows 10



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4 hours ago, PLANSAHEAD said:

Experienced user here: is anyone else having issues with sending Elevations to Layout in CA X16 ?

Even simple Elevations of Plans started in X16 lock up instantly upon sending to Layout.

Windows 10





what does it say on the render Panel > Videocard status in Preferences what videocard is in use, that can be important in chief especially id it's drivers aren't current. Your comp looks like it maybe older and may not support the new lighting engine fully ( it has been upgraded again in X16 )







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2 hours ago, PLANSAHEAD said:

2018 driver............


Yes, you've been a bit tardy on updating your Drivers :)  but there is a case for "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" however you may need to finally try it, as the card no longer really meets Chief's needs today with it's low VRAM (only 2GB)


1st make sure Chief is using the Nvidia Card if your laptop also uses theintel CPU's built In GPU ( Graphics card)...........



the 965M card is still supported in current Drivers 555.85 being the latest, you don't need to install Geforce Experience, I never do, and also choose custom> Clean install. The Driver can be found

here : https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us


If the DCH Driver won't install on a laptop this old try the Standard Version under Windows Driver type , Just fill in the tabs per this pic. hit Search and then click on the green link on the left....





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