Exterior wall protruding through roof plane


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New user with Home Designer Pro and getting more frustrated every time I use the software.  I understand these are likely self induced issues but frustrating nonetheless.  I have watched countless hours of Chief YouTube videos and has helped tremendously.  This roof has me stumped and not sure how to resolve, I would like the roof to properly build on top of the exterior wall, not through it.  Any suggestions how to resolve and any idea how I created this problem because the gable end wall (opposite end, out of view) is also missing.  Thanks.

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In case you haven't already, there's a separate forum for Home Designer that you might check (https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/)


Also I would check to make sure the wall tops are set to follow their default heights, it looks like they may have been pulled up to that height and aren't being cut by the roof like they should be.

Check out https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00579/controlling-wall-floor-and-ceiling-heights.html, scroll down to the "To change the height of a single wall" and "To reset heights" bits.

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