Is this stair code compliant? If not how would you adjust to make it?


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3 hours ago, JiAngelo said:

For residential applications, winders are required to be min. 10" deep at the 12" walkline and not less than 6" deep on the inside turn.

Commercial requires 11" at walkline and 10" at inside turn.


Is there an easy way to set in Chief a minimum for the winders?

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On the style sheet of the stairs DBX there is a winder minimum and a walkline setting.  However, you'll go crazy trying to draw the winders precisely.  It is actually drawn as a set of curved stairs, then specified as a winder on the DBX.  You then join this to your straight set of stairs.  But I always end up with a curve on the inner radius.


My preferred method is to draw cad lines of the minimums that I want,



Then draw two landings for each winder tread. drag the corners to match up with the cad box of the winder shape.



The program will automatically draw and stack the winders for you (on the floor initially.)  The order in which you paste them determines which is up or down.


Then add your straight runs to the landings.



Then Chief will auto connect everything and adjust the rises accordingly.



The 180 degree wrap around 4 riser you originally drew is a bit trickier.  I'm going to need to think on that a bit.  



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I think the inner wall needs to be thickened to reflect the required 6" minimums.  The example below shows 6 winders with about an 18" inner wall.  You could get to 4 using 12" easily enough.  I would talk with an inspector before I drew anything less.  The foot can't get hung up on anything less than 6" on the inside. (like if you tried measuring the six around a corner.)  


I hope this helped.

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Here's one I built, virtually, and for real.


Note how each 90 degree turn consists of five "kite" treads, and how the turns begin before the corners, and end after.  A "5-kite winder" stair turn.


You likely don't have enough space for a to-code staircase, thus the triangle turns.  Find a way to get a bigger footprint so you can do it right.

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