Is it possible to cut a hole in a ceiling surface?


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I have speakers that I'm putting into the ceiling.  Rather than mounting them directly on the drywall, I'm creating a 1/2" wide x 1/2" deep shadow reveal that surrounds the circumference of the speaker.  When it's complete, it looks like the attached photo, which puts the speaker grill flush to the drywall and leaves that reveal ring around it. 


How would I replicate this look in CA?  I imagine I would create a circular polyline 3d molding and then insert it into the drywall, but I can't figure out how to make a hole in the ceiling surface so I can recess the ring into the drywall.








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11 minutes ago, DIYJon said:

With a 1/2 shadow reveal?

Draw a polyline circle and convert it to a hole in the ceiling and then place the speaker in the hole. You will first need to convert the speaker to a symbol and then make it an interior fixture which will allow you to specify the height of the speaker.

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