Auto story pole dimensions, removing the horizontal dimension set


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In auto story pole dimensions, there are two sets of dimensions, one is displayed along the vertical line and the other is displayed right under the marker horizontally. I can changed the units etc of this dimensions. But I would like to remove it entirely so that on the vertical set of dimensions is shown.  


In this case it shows the marker for ceiling, then right under the tag and marker is the height/dimension, the running vertical is the dimension between the two marker sets, which is the one I would like to keep displayed.


Thank you for your assitance.

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It sounds like you're wanting to remove the Markers but keep the dimensions between them.

On the General page of the Auto Story Pole Defaults make sure "inner Dimension" is checked.

Then under the Locate Elevations section, remove the check mark from the "outer" column, making them all inner dimensions.

Then remake your story poles. 

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You can do it; the simplest is a new marker type with the text style on the bottom set to text height of 0. In the example below, I just quickly edited my marker using a text style I named '0' with a character height of 0.


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