Wall Dimensions


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Are you changing it using the temp dimension, in the wall dialog, or just by dragging the end of the wall?


If you are using the temp dimension, there are extra buttons to the right of the dimension that have arrows showing which wall end changes.


If you are using the wall dialog, there are some radio buttons that control which wall end changes.


If you are dragging the end of the wall and both ends move, then you are probably in "concentric" mode.  Just change your edit behavior back to "default".  You should know when you are not in the default mode because you will usually find something extra following your cursor around.


concentric resize.png

wall dialog.png

temp dim.png

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  On 10/23/2023 at 5:34 PM, DBCooper said:

If you are using the wall dialog, there are some radio buttons that control which wall end changes.


I'd put money on this one.

There's no default for the Temp Dimension options, Concentric Mode harasses your mouse cursor with the concentric icon -- the dialog on the other hand will  quietly remember that you'd chosen "Center" instead of Start or End.


I would add though that changing wall lengths in this manner is often an awkward way to adjust your dimensions.

It's best to think about resizing the Room the walls define, not the walls themselves, as demonstrated in this video:


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