Backwards casing on doors


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I have a two part door problem if anyone could help with either it would be appreciated.


1) I've done a few projects with flat eased casing so I never noticed until just now when I selected a colonial casing for my doors, Chief is putting the casing on backwards (thick end on the jamb and thin butting into the base) what should I do to fix this? It's on a new drawing so I don't believe I've mistakenly selected an odd option to cause it.


2) The same door I'm drawing is one that's already existing and it's casing is shaved down on one side in the smaller room so that it can be forced further into the corner and provide a 24 1/2" space needed for the vanity run, In the screenshot it's the 22.5" measured portion. If I could hide the casing on the small room side (exterior) I could work around that but that selection is greyed out and it only has the option for me to disable casing on the bathroom side (Interior) which I will need to have in my render. 


Any help is appreciated and I'm happy to provide more context if it would help, Thank you in advance.


Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 6.12.33 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 6.12.57 PM.png

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  • Solution
16 minutes ago, Mackenzie said:

1) Chief is putting the casing on backwards

I don't think there's a setting, if I were to guess it's the casing you used.

You'll notice that the ones in the Casings folders are thicker on top


but the ones in other folders, like the Base moldings, are all thick on bottom




17 minutes ago, Mackenzie said:

2) If I could hide the casing on the small room side (exterior) I could work around that but that selection is greyed out

Very bottom of the General panel -- Interior doors don't have an "interior" vs "exterior" side, they're only interior since both sides open to rooms, so the Exterior section is greyed out and the interior is used for both. Checking Separate Trim and Materials on Each Side allows the "exterior" casing to be specified so each side can be different if needed.

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2) as TT has explained, you can control the casing for each side of interior doors by checking "separate trim and materials".  In some cases though, you might want to keep the casing but allow it go into the wall.  You can go into your "general plan defaults" and turn on "ignore casing when resizing" for these cases.



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Thank you, the problem was that I had applied a colonial casing from a cabinet catalog and it was oriented upside down as far as doors are concerned, once I grab CA 03 from the chief catalog it all worked how I hoped and the tip about casings being thicker on the top and base on the bottom will help me avoid this confusion in the future.


The Ignore casing when resizing is going to be helpful as well so that I don't need to just leave the casing oof, I'm trying to limit how many things I jerry rig together as I learn the software.

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BTW, if you ever find a molding you want to use, and it is not oriented the way you want, you can always right-click on it in the library and use the "place molding profile" tool to pace it into a plan or cad detail.  Once it is in the plan you can rotate it or reflect it (or whatever else you want) and then save it back into your user library.


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