Walkthrough Rendering Unsteady


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You haven't provided enough info for anyone to really help and you haven't done you Forum Signature either , so we don't have a clue what version you are using, camera type, or the hardware you are running it on.


See Chopsaw's or My Signature to add some info to yours, so people don't need to ask every time you post ( I see you are new here )






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3 hours ago, BDesigns said:

Here is an interior shot. Hopefully this one works.


Yup that works.  Great design. Horrible video recording though.  Let's figure this one out somehow.  Post your plan or get tech support working on it.  Do you have SSA ?

Crank your FPS up to 60 just to be sure because that looks like about 20 for some reason.

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Thank you for the compliment! I dang near tried everything. I will reach out to tech support tomorrow. I completely redrew the plan and just focused on one room at a time thinking maybe I didn't have enough memory for all the materials I wanted and now some of the materials and finishes are blacking out during the rendering process. Something else is going on that is way above my paygrade. I appreciate your help and support. 

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26 minutes ago, BDesigns said:

thinking maybe I didn't have enough memory for all the materials I wanted and now some of the materials and finishes are blacking out during the rendering process. Something else is going on that is way above my paygrade. I appreciate your help and support. 


* thanks for doing the Sig.


It may well be that you only have 2GB of Video Memory (Ram) which is the minimum, as Chief has recommended at least 4GB now for several Versions with 8GB being better and now recommended for X15, though being on a Mac you can't to PBR RTRT yet.  I assume you are running the latest Drivers for your GPU? 






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2 hours ago, BDesigns said:

Thank you for the compliment! I dang near tried everything. I will reach out to tech support tomorrow.


It could also be a codec issue.  Xvid has been the best for me for a long time even before chief included it in the software package but not sure if it is compatible with mac systems or if that is even a consideration.

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10 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

Xvid has been the best for me for a long time even before chief included


True, same here , it or x264vfw have been my goto's as well.....


On Mac perhaps try HEIF or HEVC which I think both offer better compression. ( not sure about quality )



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