Is There A Reason That The SAVE AS Template DBX Has These Random Boxes Checked?


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I only ever use the last check box and have to uncheck all the other boxes every time I want to save a template. I understand that the other choices have merit for some users but why are the random boxes checked? Is there a way to set the default to have all the boxes unchecked? Or just the last one checked as a default?


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It seems that a 'Save As' won't "Set Template As Default" which is why I use the dbx? Might be missing something as usual but still leaves the questions hanging. "why are the random boxes checked? Is there a way to set the default to have all the boxes unchecked? Or just the last one checked as a default?"

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Did you know that you can set a template as your default without having to use the "save as template" dialog?  You can always just go into your preferences and manually set it any time you want.  You can also start a new layout using any template you want by just using the "new layout from template" tool.


As far as "why are the random boxes checked", I don't think they are random at all.  If you are trying to setup a new layout template, why would you want to keep client info or revision history?  Also, why would you want to keep a bunch of unused data in your template?  BTW, these are rhetorical questions because I can actually think of reasons why you *might* want to keep some of these things but I can see why Chief thinks you probably don't.


And as far as setting up defaults for this dialog, I don't know of any way to do that.  Sounds like you should send Chief a feature request if you think this is important.


But seriously, how often would you actually use this?  I can think of a whole bunch of new features that I would use waaaay more often.


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