Door Schedule Number Control


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I like to separate my door/window schedules by floor, but Chief starts the numbering system back to D01 when I do this. 


To clarify, if I do one big schedule for the whole house with all floors showing, my numbers might read from D01-D42

When I separate by floor, Floor 1 starts with D01-D17, and instead of Floor 2 picking up at D18-D42 (or even just some variation of numbers instead of repeats), it starts over again at D01. Thus repeating Door #'s. 


Any way around this? 

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Currently, there is no way to specify a starting number for a schedule.  This sounds like it might make a good feature request though.


You can change the "D" to "D1" for the schedule on the first floor and "D2" for the one on the second floor.  You could also change the "D" to a different letter or the callout shape to something different for each floor.  Either way, it could help make sure there was no confusion over the numbers being the same on each floor.


Maybe some other people have some other ideas.

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You lost me Joe.


I can see where it might be useful to have the floor number be available as a Ruby attribute.  We could even make it available as part of the object label macros.  Sounds like a reasonable feature request.


I don't understand how you would use this to solve Angela's problem though.   You can already display the floor number in it's own column in the schedule.  You can already setup the schedule to only display the objects on a single floor.  You just don't have a good way of overriding Chief's automatic numbering system used by the schedules.  How would the macro help with this?

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If the macro could be inserted in the the Callout as the beginning "Letter" or a part of that.  ie D%door.floor% then the numbering of doors would be:


D101,D102,... for the Doors on Floor 1

D201,D202,... for the Doors on Floor 2

D301,D302,... for the Doors on Floor 3



This would be true even if there was only a single schedule that encompassed all floors.


ps:  This is a feature request that I've made previously but in a much more general form (give us Ruby access to all the data of objects - which of course includes floor.)

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