Is there way of importing a background?


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Hey everyone,


As you know I am still new to this program.   Before acquiring Chief I created a number of designs in photoshop.


Wondering if I can import those designs to uses a background so I can see how those ideas translate to chief.


Another Question...

Is there away of changing my floor plan to a background so I can use it as a template for a future design....or import to photoshop and such

I can't use the template feature because that saves everything wall heights and such.


TY in advance.

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Take a look at the file import options.  You can import images to use as a background, set the scale using the point-to-point resize tool, and then trace over them.  There is a tech article that explains this in more detail:


If you want to use an existing plan as a background, you could first export it as an image, pdf, or cad file and then bring it in to trace over it.  Might work better if you converted it into a cad detail instead though because then you don't need to worry about scale.  Not sure if X7 allows this, but in X14, you could just use the reference display to turn on the other plan to use as a template.  Although, I don't know why you couldn't just open the original plan, do a save as, and then just modify it however you want.  

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Just learning and trying to figure out how best to incorporate what I know with other software and this software.   Hopefully to accelerate my learning curve. 


I did use the import issue but as you said struggled with scale.    I will keep playing with it.


Was hoping there was some trick.



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