Roof with flared eaves


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I'm working on a home with a rather complex roof. I've gotten most of it complete without issue but, despite referring to the tutorials in the Knowledge base, I'm struggling to get the flared eaves right. I've done a few curved roof's before but not one like this so any help would be appreciated. A slimmed down plan is attached


- Eric

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Getting it "right," for me, always means the curved roof at the eave has a curve tangent to the roof it joins at its "ridge" or top end.


Yours does not.  Your upper roof is somewhere around 61 degrees pitch and your curve tops out at somewhere in the middle 50s.  I did not write down their specifics, but that is from a minute-ago look.


For the ones I do, there is always a 2D study done in CAD.  You have your upper pitch located as to pitch and its Z height, your overhang, and you go from there.  Draw a circle to see how its curve looks. 

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What front window?  Does this house (are you doing an as-built?) have the flare around its entire perimeter, like for example that return roof above the garage doors?


It can get really complicated, taking a lot of time, particularly when the straight-pitched upper roofs have different pitches at different parts of the building.  This one had six different conditions, and a couple valleys that curved like snakes.  And a crownmold and frieze at the gables, which curves.

Screenshot 2022-08-30 145212.jpg

Screenshot 2022-08-30 145330.jpg

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There was only one curved roof in your plan, and I edited it.  Opened top roof for spec dialog, changed pitch to read in degrees, copied pitch.


Opened curved roof segment, locked fascia height, pasted saved high pitch into pitch at ridge, and now she's tangent.  Did a roof rejoin just to check.


Curved roof planes coming together at a valley or a hip, if equal radii, will have a join line that is straight in plan view, of course.  If unequal radii, you get snakes.

Screenshot 2022-08-30 150635.jpg

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