Subtraction in solids


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In this video at 14:30 the presenter shows how he makes a copy of the solid, adjusts it and then subtracts the one from the other. All looks straight forward.

However, some time ago when I did this, I had a popup come up when I did not read, I only checked the box and closed it. Doing so changed things and now I am always left with the solid that I want to remove. I end up having to delete the main (makes a copy some how) and delete the solid I want to subtract.

Here is my result...

My question is, where do I turn that popup back on, in some way get back to having it work as shown in this video?

Thank you,



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12 minutes ago, Joe_Carrick said:

Have you checked "Preferences" and/or "Defaults" ?

Does this happen with all Plans or just with a particular Plan ?

I looked into Preferences and Defaults and cannot find anything related. Not sure what to really look for either.

It happens on all plans in X13 - new plan and old


I just went back to X12 and tested and that gives me the popup



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