Strange light sources in some corners


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Using the new render engine, in various parts of the house I see light coming 'from the cracks' even though there are no cracks as I can tell.

Something like this. 



What causes this? Obviously I've tried 'connecting the walls' etc but no joy. I thought maybe it was the intersection between internal and external walls but that doesn't seem to be it either. FWIW this house doesn't have any (electrical) light sources defined at all yet. 

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18 minutes ago, puntloos said:

FWIW this house doesn't have any (electrical) light sources defined at all yet.


I have similar issues and placing lights , instead of relying on the Automatic light helps....


you can test this is a test house with no windows or doors....



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1 hour ago, puntloos said:

What causes this?

Without the plan it's hard to say. Roof, foundation, a polyline solid that goes through roof, settings?

Did a very quick plan to try to re-create your problem but could not. Attached is a sample plan with a save camera. The saved camera, rendering technique and sun have settings similar to what I use for interior RTRT, at least a good starting point. Note there are no lights in the plan but as I posted this I tested having 3 point light sources in the next room and still no problem.

I'd be curious if the issue reproduces with this on your system?



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