Cannot Edit Cross Section In Layout


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Hello Everybody! I'm working on a set of plans for a builder. I created a cross section and when I sent it to the layout, it will not allow me edit the layout lines. The layout was emailed to me from the builder. It works on the elevations on a different sheet in the same layout but not on the cross section. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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While ON the layout, only the "Edit Layout" tool allows for editing (removing, adding and editing) CAD lines autogenerated by 3D (Architectural) objects in the view.


2D CAD Lines and text you may have added to the elevation or cross section view using 2D CAD tools would have to be edited or changed with the view open in the plan file from the layout and then allowed to be closed so those changes could then be "updated" to the layout.


I hope this makes the way it is programmed to function more clear, it is often easier to show another than to explain just using language.



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