Problems With Chief Viewer


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    I am working on a model and instructed a friend of mine to download the Chief Architect viewer. He says that when he tries to load the model he gets an error that essentially says the viewer is unable to find the library components used for materials and color (i dont recall the exact wording.) Can someone help me with a solution for this? I am using X5. Is there a way that i can send the components with the model or could I instruct him to download them somwhere? I only have the core catologue and have not added anything to it as of yet. I am attaching a link to the plan file if that helps. Thanks again in advanced for any guidance you can give me.

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You have to save your file using "File / Backup entire plan" to get all the materials in the plan in the file you send him.

When you do this, Chief will put it all in a folder. Zip the entire folder and email it. Be sure they unzip it before opening the plan from with in that folder.

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