Preferred way to model piers and pads for a bumpout?


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I modeled these in Sketchup and imported into Chief, but in doing the con-docs for foundation, I just drew CAD 2D rectangles and annotated them for the foundation-level pads.


Chief has pad and pier tools, but they don't work for this instance of an upper-floor bump being column-supported and bearing on piers and pads.


What is the preferred way to work in Chief to achieve this?  I can do it with p'line solids, moldings, slabs, and annotate all in CDs with CAD details and plan notes, but I am wondering what is the most efficient way to model it.  I don't want to miss out on something.


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1 option possibly, would be the Post with Footing Tool and edit the Footing to the size need , you'd still need to add the Cap yourself though eg with a Slab or P-Solid.

If you need to show more material types you may need to add a 2nd Slab or P-Solid.




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