Rope light on wall


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Hi friends

I am trying to get vertical rope light but could not achieve the results, on the roof it is workable but on wall it is not happening,  I tried to draw line in elevation and convert to rope light which is dimmed.

can any one help


I am attaching sample pictures



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Thank you,

I read the thread, however prior to that I converted that rope light to symbol and from there rotated it vertically but unfortunately afterward I could not change the light properties, can that be done?

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  • 3 years later...
  On 8/22/2019 at 4:40 PM, MarkMc said:

Yes. Convert to electric symbol, options light. 



Hi, MarkMc.:) I know this is an old topic but I'm working with rope lights at the moment. I just want to add some lights behind a mirror. To do this, I convert a polyline into a ropelight, then I convert the ropelight to a symbol, rotate it and.... this is the final step where I am stuck.:unsure: I can't find the option to convert the symbol into an electrical one. Any ideas?:rolleyes:



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