Flush Eaves Not Showing


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  • 2 months later...
On 8/13/2018 at 3:41 PM, solver said:

I've found Flush Eaves to be somewhat buggy. 


I'd start by correcting all the obvious issues with the plan. Walls that are out of alignment, redraw the roof plane doing away with the roof hole, join all the roof planes (with the join command, not just by eye) and align the edges, check eave heights, and so on. The cleaner the model, the better for the roof.


After I fixed the 2 roof planes over the front gable, both flush eaves show. The eave overhangs were different -- easily seen in elevation, and the roof planes were not centered over the gable wall.




When drawing roof planes like this that should be symmetrical about a point, you can draw one (correctly), the copy/reflect about the point (center line) and then join at the ridge.




I seem to have continuous problems with my walls and roof planes. I've viewed a few different roof tutorials. I have no idea why the wall issues. There is something I am not understanding. Are their any training videos you'd recommend, something that goes into a little more detail about how the program works and wants things set up to function properly? 


If not, no worries. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 10/24/2018 at 5:41 PM, solver said:


Not specifically.


I usually start by auto building a roof, making changes as needed to get the roof to build correctly, or close, then go manual if needed. 


Flush eaves rarely work 100% for me. Here is a very typical example. One roof plane -- flush eave on one end, but not on the other. This may come and go, and move to a different roof plane.





What I have found is as I said above, the cleaner the model, the better things seem to work.

I am having this same problem with the front eave looking different than the back eave on the same roof. I tried to clean the plan up, and I'm sure it's not perfect, but I don't know what else to fix. I've had this same problem on other plans as well. Let me know if you have found a solution or if anybody else has an idea. I have attached my plan in case it's helpful. I am using X9. My goal is the look on the front where the siding continues along the eave to the fascia. thanks





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I am not convinced that in designs like these that Chief "sees" the top of of the Roof as an "Eave" , it has an Eave yes but the way Chief  "thinks" , I think it is considered a Ridge , hence no eave is auto built.


Design wise I think it would look odd with a flat eave at the Top of that Roof plane , so a sloped eave top and bottom maybe more appropriate anyway


There is an issue with the front porch flush Eave as well...at least in X10 , there is an alignment issue and the Wall is sticking thru the Roof.



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Thanks Mick, I noticed that issue as well with the porch roof. There will be another townhome next to this one, so I figured that problem area will be hidden and not worth worrying about :). The area I was most concerned about is the bottom eave on the back of the building. It is different than the front bottom eave on the same roof. It does change based on if I check "flush eave" or not. I will probably just uncheck that box and manually re-size the gable siding to fill in that spot. It won't be right, but I think I can get it to look right from the elevations. I was just wondering if there was a cleaner fix. Thanks again

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1 hour ago, Kbird1 said:

Design wise I think it would look odd with a flat eave at the Top of that Roof plane , so a sloped eave top and bottom maybe more appropriate anyway



I agree, an "eave" at the top would look weird, I should have explained my question better. I am concerned with the bottom eave on the back

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9 minutes ago, LeeDrafter said:


I agree, an "eave" at the top would look weird, I should have explained my question better. I am concerned with the bottom eave on the back


Back of the house or do you mean the Bottom of the roof plane? cos bottom of roof looks good to me even in X9


The Wall on the porch is not generating properly , go to the Attic level and drag it back to the house main wall and line it up properly, the Porch doesn't appear to be in line with the house wall if that is the goal...


PS your front door needs and exterior sill..i see it "shimmering" it 3D otherwise....



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5 minutes ago, LeeDrafter said:


I agree, an "eave" at the top would look weird, I should have explained my question better. I am concerned with the bottom eave on the back


Lee,  I believe the problem you are seeing was a bug in X9 that has been fixed in X10. 

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12 minutes ago, LeeDrafter said:


Attached is the eave I am talking about. But hanks for the advice on the porch eave too.



Arrrrrr... I didn't look right around the back cos I thought you meant the bottom of the Roof plane.....always good to leave a few Clues in your plan with say some red text and arrows...


I will have to take Michael's word on it being a X9 Bug......


Pity you missed the Xmas Sale on the upgrade but don't wait to long as X11 may come out in Feb ( 20th last year) and then you will have to pay for a 2 year upgrade not 1. There is a Thread here somewhere with the Pricing you could call and ask for the Sale price? can't hurt....don't ask , don't get.... I think it ended Jan. 7th.



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3 minutes ago, LeeDrafter said:

thanks for the tip, I will be more clear with my question with pictures next time. 


No Problem......pics and the Plan left so someone can find the issue easily is always the quickest way to get a good answer...



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