How Can I Achieve This?


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I want to paint a concrete beam in two different colors based on the interior face and exterior face. But no matter what I do, the beam ends up being one continuous color through out the object. I tried to split along its square face, but to no avail. Can someone please tell me how I can apply a multiple colours to such an object or other 3d primitive?


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You will need to figure out the best way to display the faces you need to paint as each face can only be one colour.

Possibly two beams that are parallel and then a manual cross box on the end to make it look like one beam.

Or you can have full control of all 6 faces by using a polyline solid converted to a solid and then exploded which is a common method for orienting wood grain on timbers.

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As Chopsaw said,

PS converted to Solid, Exploded, painted and then after you have exploded the PS and changed the material on any of the faces, you can join them back to one object by converting them to an Architectural Block or creating a symbol. 

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