Layout text/information displayed on multiple pages


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I want to create a text box or table that can be edited in one master location, then displayed and automatically updated in other locations on layout pages.  I don't want the information on every page, so the 0 page wont work.  I want to use this for general plan notes and square footage's.  I've looked into macros, but it only gives me Global macros as an option in the layout.  Attached is an image of what I'm working with which I display on some layout pages, but not all.  Currently I either update the information on each page, or update one and copy paste to the other pages.  I want to reduce the chance for user error of updating each one or copy/pasting.

Layout Info.JPG

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There are many ways to do this.  Some using custom macros, but also...


You can just create a CAD Detail

in plan or layout and then send from that CAD Detail to layout.  You would have layout boxes all linked to the single CAD Detail instead of multiple text objects.

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