Importing CAD Layers- Backgrounds


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We often have to import CAD files for designs such as site plans, existing floor plans and title blocks...


Is there a way to import these and have all the associated lines come in as black??


Every times for years I have imported for instance a site plan...I have to manually convert all lines and content to a black line layer...


Can this be done automatically upon import?


Please help!! I waste hours converting!



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I don't believe so. Just like Chief, CAD programs allow the user to define an object's color either "by layer" or "by object". When importing a CAD drawing, any objects that have a color defined "by layer" will inherit the color assigned to the Chief layer they are imported into; any objects that have a color defined "by object" will retain that color definition, regardless of the Chief layer they are imported into. Chief's import process doesn't have the flexibility to redefine object color definitions "on the fly."

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I think this depends on how the cad file was setup.


If the objects you are importing are using "by layer", then you can use the Advanced Layer Mapping tool in the Import Drawing Wizard to map them to whatever Chief layers you like.  This should give you fairly good control over what layers the objects will be assigned to and what they look like in Chief.


If the objects are using "by object", then they will come in using whatever color the original designer thought they needed to be.  Currently, there is no way to override this at import time.  Seems like the ability to automatically reset imported objects to use "by layer" might be a useful feature.  As far as I know, no one has ever asked for this.



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