Any problems migrating from ver. 8 to 9 ?


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I'm ready to install version 9 of CA Premier.

I just spent 2 1/2 days on a drawing using CA 8.  I'm meeting the owner tomorrow, and I'm sure some changes will occur.

I was going to install CA 9 after the changes are made and approved, but changes could occur next week again.

Is there anything I should be aware of for the installation and migration?

Should I wait?

I'm using a Mac.

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installing ver X9 should have no effect of X8


but it's always best to install before the weekend since tech support is closed then


make sure you save the X8 download from the digital locker before downloading X9

X8 will be gone after that from the digital locker

but  not your PC - you can have many prior versions of Chief on the same PC


probably best to finish the project in X8 then start the next one in X9



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