Migrating X6 To A New Computer (Including All Libraries)


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I am switching computers and would like to know how to copy all of my existing catalogs and libraries to the new computer.

Since I have built up an extensive user library, just like everyone else.


Also, is it possible to carry over any settings, like wall types and everything else like that?


The main thing is my user library so that I will not have to create everything from scratch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




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@Perry. i have done what you suggested..


I selected all library items and imported to a folder on my desktop.


In the folder it contains "Chief Architect Zipped Library File"


So are all the items zipped in this file?  because I can not 'unzip' it to see the contents and to see if everything is in there.

Is there a way to verfiy what is in this file?

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The calibz file is a standard zipped folder/file, though 7zip / WinZip / WinRAR etc may not recognise it as such , you can use one of them to open the exported file  (Or any calibz file) , mind you the file will no doubt be huge, possibly in the GB's area if you exported ALL libraries to one file... 



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