Are There Material 'styles' In Ca?


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I created a new material and assigned it to a wall. I then changed the material I created to a different colour and expected the walls that used that colour to automatically change. But the walls kept the old colour.


I was hoping to be able to change that particular colour so that in one action i could see what different colours would look like across the building. I imagined it to be like 'styles' in MS Word where if you change the Heading1 style it changes every instance when Heading1 is used.


Is this possible? If so, could someone point me in the right direction in the manuals or on the forums?




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CA should work as you expected it to.

If you change the material in a wall definition, it should change every instance of that wall in the plan.


Can you set out exactly the steps you are going through?

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If you assign a custom material by way of the walls materials tab in only changes for THAT wall only, only when you assign a different material by way of the Wall Spacification Dialog - Define Wall - specific layer does that then glabally apply.



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  • Solution

Thanks everyone for your assistance. I think I understand now what was going on. Here is a short video of what I found for those who might have similar issues:


In brief:

  1. Reset the material used for the walls in the ROOM SPECIFICATION dialog to 'Default'
  2. Reset the material used for the walls in the WALL SPECIFICATION dialog to 'Default'
  3. Make sure the Wall Type is correct and is using the colour and material required.

One thing i didnt expect was that once a material is chosen for a Wall Type, there is no longer any link between the material and the wall material. So changing the material (mine was a custom one) has no affect on the wall.  The 'Material Name' in the Wall Type Definition still says the name of my custom material. But it is NOT showing the changes to my custom material. You have to reselect the custom material for the changes to it to apply to the wall. This seems like a bug to me. Either it shouldn't show the 'Name' of the material because the material can change, or it should clear the name when the material changes or it should update the wall type material to reflect the changes to the custom material. My preference would be option 3.


Thanks  again


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