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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. 10 minutes ago, Austins said:

    Thanks for that suggestion.  I put the standard toilet @D Cad Block into the plan, but when I went to make it a dashed line toilet it wouldn't let me do it.  It's still solid line and I'm trying to show it dashed for demo.  Is there a work around? 


    You have to explode the block, then select the lines you want dashed and change their Line Style. Then you can re-block if you want.

  2. Unfortunately, the line style you've defined for the toilet's Layer is not preserved when the Detail from View is created. As far as I know, this true for all Symbols. If you click-select the toilet in the Detail from View, you'll notice that it's a CAD Block built from many, many polylines. You can explode the block work with it to get dashed lines, but results can vary depending on the block.

  3. Draw a CAD line roughly perpendicular to the elevation you want to shoot. Select the line and use the Align>Perpendicular command to align the line perpendicular to the elevation. Turn on your Snaps, enter the Cross Section/Elevation command and snap the camera to the CAD line.


    EDIT: Scott beat me.

  4. 10 hours ago, capitaldesigns said:

    Since I have upgraded to X-9, CA has been very slow on switching view. I keep getting a message that CA is regenerating the model.


    I wouldn't think that the video card has anything to do with whether CA needs to "Rebuild" the 3d Model. I get the message all the time, and I have a fairly new machine and GPU. Maybe someone can disabuse me of this notion.

  5. It's pretty simple - you just need to define the symbol as a Light. Select the symbol and open the Symbol Specification dbx. Under Options>Options select the Light checkbox. Click OK.



    Now double-click the symbol to open the Electrical Service Specification dbx. Under Light Data>Light Characteristics enter whatever you want to define the light source, and under Light Data>Options select the On checkbox. Click OK.



    Now you have a light:


    • Upvote 1
  6. Shoot a Cross Section / Elevation, create a CAD Detail from View, then create a Closed Polyline the shape of the gable element, copy/paste-hold it into the Cross Section / Elevation, then Convert Polyline to a Material Region that doesn't cut the finish.



  7. 45 minutes ago, DRAWZILLA said:

    I checked yesterday from the help screen,and got it in pdf form. just save as to your desktop.


    Thanks Perry - it didn't occur to me to pull down the Help menu and look for it there.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Joe_Carrick said:

    You probably don't have the  Fixtures, Exterior layer displayed.


    Now I'm confused. I guess this depends on what we're calling an atrium. What kind of fixture are you referring to, Joe?


    EDIT: Never mind - I found the Chief symbols that can be used for building an atrium skylight.