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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. On 4/5/2017 at 7:43 PM, solver said:

    I looked at this awhile back.


    Railing built on 2nd floor, Room Divider used to close the back side making a room. Give the room a negative floor height to put the railing down by the deck.




    That's really clever, so I gave it a shot. We use a lot of fascia-mount cable rail systems. I had to use some room dividers on the corners to get the corner newels correct:



    The remaining issues are 1) to get the handrail to miter at the corners, 2) to infill the corners with cable, and 3) the railing panels don't extend the full width between newels (with these particular custom newels). So, I like the idea a lot, but it's the details that make any work-around such a bug-a-bear.

  2. Different screens display colors differently. Screen DPI and image bit depth help determine color representation. So does the GPU, screen type (LCD, CRT, OLED, etc.). I suggest you color calibrate your monitor (the one you use to create the image). However, a calibrated monitor doesn't guarantee that the image will be rendered "correctly" on someone else's device.

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  3. 4 hours ago, glennw said:


    Brown Tiger,

    What sort of rebuild are you talking about.

    Moving a door or window label in an elevation view does not force an Auto Rebuild Walls/Floors/Ceilings for me.


    I posted the question - not Brown Tiger - he must have used copy/paste instead of quoting me. Moving object labels while in a Cross-Section / Elevation view forces a rebuild for me.

  4. 14 hours ago, BrownTiger said:

    Because sometimes it is too difficult to figure-out an impact on view when generic multi-facet -object moved from place A to place B. It is much easier to invalidate the area and call repaint.


    I am referring to moving an object Label, not the object itself.

  5. Why does moving a door label, fixture label, etc. in an elevation view force a rebuild? I would think a label could be treated like CAD objects - they simply "overlay" the model and only require a screen refresh - not an entire model rebuild.

  6. 2 minutes ago, ACADuser said:

    May I offer an observation too?

    When I have my 7 story condo open with Ortho Camera & other camera views I can select a door in plan view on the 6th floor & see pop up boxes

    telling me that Chief is rebuilding stuff on the lower floors one by one.



    Yes, I get this too.

  7. 31 minutes ago, TheKitchenAbode said:

     As the model is for visual purposes, it really serves no purpose to have CA process data that is neither seen nor is needed when performing a task.

    For example, when working with Roof Planes what visual information do you really need? Most likely just the Roof Planes and Walls. If everything else is turned off then CA only processes those two elements of the model.


    Can we be sure about this? For instance, let's pretend you have everything turned off except exterior walls. In order for CA to properly generate the exterior walls,it must determine how those walls interact with the rest of the building model, eg roof planes, window and door openings, etc. I'm working on a very complex model at the moment, and I spend a lot of time waiting for CA to regenerate views and autosave. Undo operations can take up to one minute or more. As an exercise I opened a 3D ortho view, and then selected the "All Off" layerset. It took CA 26.87 seconds to perform the necessary calculations to show me a blank screen. IOW, I think there's more going on than you assume.

  8. Select the Room and open the Room Specification dbx. Select the Materials tab; notice the Component>Rooms>Walls reads "No Change." This indicates that some of the walls are using different materials.



    With Walls selected, click Select Material, and check the Use Default Material checkbox down in the lower left (this follows Solver's guidance).



    This will fix your walls, though you still need to deal with the end wall, which is currently defined as an exterior wall with the siding material.



    • Upvote 1
  9. I only experience this kind of problem with X8 files that I converted to X9. With these files, when I select a wall, make a copy, and start editing, the original selected wall remains illustrated in the preview box, regardless of what changes I make in the Wall Layers fields:



    I don't have this problem when starting a brand new file in X9.

  10. I've found that trying to create complex assemblies like this by mulling leads to more problems that it's worth; that's why I like to use the method I described in my first post. Regarding the "concrete" piece on the exterior, have you tried un-checking "Fit Frame to Wall"?

  11. That looks a lot like commercial storefront construction. Not sure it can be done in wood as shown. Anyway, one method uses a combination of overlapping windows to build the frame:


    The windows are defined with no casing, no sills, no sash (except for a 1/16" Side Width - very important or the glass won't show up), and 2" frames. The window for the door frame is the same as the others but without the 1/16" side width (this eliminates the glass), and a height that buries the bottom part of the frame into the floor.


    Then stick a door into the wall and move it into place so it fits within the window frame. Define it as you like:



    There are likely other ways to accomplish this, but it's what I've found gives me the most accurate visual results.

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