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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. There is no way to "wrap" a schedule into multiple columns. You can either be more selective about what is included in the schedule (eg by floor, by object type, etc), or find another creative way to make things work; I sometimes use multiple layout boxes for the same schedule - each box showing a portion of the schedule.

  2. The answer to #4 is easy: Default Settings>Material Region>Floor Material Region>Structure>Edit. Make it whatever your want.


    For the others, I suggest you post the plan - it will eliminate a lot of guesswork. And please fill out your signature with the version of Chief you are using.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, ShelbyTRI said:

    When I change the Electrical layer settings, yes the line weight of the symbol in the schedule changes, but then the line weight in the plan view also changes. So then in plan view the line weight is far too light.


    Create a unique Layerset for displaying the schedules. Send the CAD Detail to Layout. In Layout, select the Layout Box, activate the Layout Box Layers tool, and select the unique Layerset you've created.

  4. Just now, Designer100 said:

    you just hit 3D and roof aand can see roof. This is just a remodeling on inside. roof is not affected.


    It's difficult to see a roof when there aren't any roof planes present:



    Maybe solving your issue doesn't require the roof, but it would help if the images you post match the file you upload.

  5. Simpson has a plethora of details available for their lateral and uplift system components. Download this application guide, find the connection detail you need (eg D/21, etc.) then go here to download a dwg or dxf file.


    APA has details as well. Go here to search and download.


    Personally I'd run the numbers first to determine what the loads are, then design the system and find applicable products, and then lastly draw the details.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    I wonder if my local truss company would build a curved bottomed truss??


    Yes, they can do it. I've had Alpine manufacture barrel vaults; what I don't know is if the vault arch was "structural" or cosmetic.



  7. 9 hours ago, Rich_Winsor said:

    But seriously, when I try to open Alan's link I get a

    message saying that Chief Architect 3D Viewer is

    not supported by this browser. Really? I'm using

    Internet Explorer 11 and Chief doesn't support it? 


    I"m running Chrome on Win10, and I get this:


  8. 17 hours ago, chiefmodify said:

    My framers want to kill me!!  LOL.


    I am having a devil of of time not getting into tiny franctions.


    I have yet to find a tape measure that was graduated only in 1-inch increments. It's no more difficult to measure to the nearest 1/16" as to the nearest 1" - in the end the margin of error will be fairly consistent (about the width of a pencil lead). I understand that fractions make the math more difficult, but if the plan is adequately dimensioned there shouldn't be much math (and calculators are cheap). My advice: be logical in your layout but design as necessary, and let the fractions fall where they may.

  9. 14 hours ago, DianeP said:

    Would you sell it?  If so, at what price?


    Worst case: the client buys your plans and either: 1) sells them on for a profit, or 2) uses them as the basis for future designs. Measure that against the expected future value of the plans if they just sit on your hard drive for the next 20 years. What's the use of retaining the rights unless they generate value? Of course value could be several things: money, reusing the plans for other projects, etc. Personally, I would maximize your earnings while the plans still have value. I would charge based on the time invested - IOW a rate/hour fee.

  10. This is a facsimile of the Infratech slimline series SL-16. There are three versions: ceiling mount, wall mount at 30 degrees, and wall mount at 45 degrees. You can stretch their length to simulate the SL-24 (42.5"), SL-30 (63.5"), and SL-40 (63.5") - the only thing that won't be "correct" will be the spacing of the face grill.


    infratech sl-16.calibz



    I discovered there are some really stringent mounting clearances for these products - so if you use them do your research (but avoid calling Infratech support - they aren't very friendly).

    • Like 1
  11. This has been a point of consternation for many people. I suspect Chief treats the sill plate as the foundation for programmatic reasons, but conceptually is isn't far off base. What do you set the second floor framing upon? The first floor wall top plates, correct? The first floor wall top plates aren't part of the second floor - they are the "foundation" for the second floor. The same is true for the foundation sill plate, which is the point of bearing, or "foundation", for the first floor. Changing the current paradigm may be equally confusing, as we would have to account for the sill plate within the first floor framing structure (think of how to incorporate that into the Structure dbx).


    To answer your question, AFAIK, there is no way to reassign the sill plate to the framing. In the garage, the wall sole plate will show up if you build the wall framing.

  12. 25 minutes ago, ChiefuserMathews said:

    thank you very much for your reply. as requested attached is a screen shot. I am using X10. The 12'-0" dimension was inside the bedroom. as i moved out extension line is missing (where is now pointing near the door). but if i move further to the right passing the wall corner then the extension line re-appears. Any suggestions



    This is just how Chief behaves - the dimension line is referencing the wall surface, and Chief isn't "smart" enough to realize that the wall surface is not visible due to the door opening, so it doesn't draw an extension line. As far as I know, you can't do anything to prevent this behavior. If it's important enough, as a workaround you could draw a CAD line to act as an extension.

  13. 12 minutes ago, ChiefuserMathews said:

    now to question # 2. if i do a series of interior dimensions for couple of rooms and if i want to move only one of the dimension out of one of the room. the program does not allow me. if i move one all the rest of the dimensions in the series moves out as well. any suggestions?


    I suspect you have drawn a dimension string - it is a single object - you can't manipulate the individual segments. I suggest you download the Reference Manual for the version of Chief you are using, and review the Dimension chapter to gain a complete understanding of the different types of dimensions and how they work. Also, please include the version of Chief you are using in your signature, not in your post (unless your post relates to a deprecated version of Chief).

  14. 37 minutes ago, contractcad said:

    Also another question to add to my last post (that still I'm hoping to get some comments on).


    I've added some partition walls to the office whereby I made them using pony walls that the lower portion is the partition wall made to a approximate 8 foot height and the upper wall is a custom "NONE" wall I created with no attributes but made to the same widths and thickness as to a regular drywall and stud wall which I can then use a fill color in the area of the studs. Works great except that it will fill thru doors, windows etc. in the plan view and just looks wrong.  I basically am trying to create a plenum area that looks more correct in camera and section views. Camera views are fine but section views show a white area from the top of the pony wall to the full height of the wall.


    I've tried making the walls a solid rail wall to control height but when inserting doors there is always a void above them in camera and section views. (windows for some reason don't have this problem)


    Is there a better way to do this?


    Try a shelf ceiling set at 96 inches:




    P.S. I just realized that you're not running X10. You should fill out your signature with the version of Chief you are using so when we respond to your questions we'll know not to include tips that your version may not support.