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Posts posted by rlackore

  1. 2 hours ago, glennw said:



    Doesn't that only apply to the display in plan view - not a cross section view?


    The OP didn't ask about cross-section views - the setting he referred to controls the appearance of framing members in Plan. AFAIK, you can't control the fill color of a framing member in a Cross Section view: cut members will have a solid white fill, and members in elevation will be filled with the Material color.

  2. it can be very difficult to get Chief to "behave" the way you expect/want when walls intersect at different levels and at angles. You can try playing around with the wall intersection tool, or you could "patch" the area with a p-solid or something similar, or you could post the plan and maybe someone else can find a solution to your specific situation.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the NVMA recommendations; you can download an installation guide here. Keep in mind that it's merely a guide - final installation details depend on a number of factors that aren't necessarily given full consideration within the text and drawings. Regarding the Xypex, I'll assume you propose to use it as an admixture, not as a coating. I've only specified Xypex on commercial projects where control of bulk water is critical under conditions of high hydrostatic pressures, and even then it was used as a "last line of defense" - I still used a membrane on the positive side as the primary water control layer. Theoretically the use of Xypex, or any other crystalline PRA, should be all you need, but there are some practical considerations that argue against it's use, especially for a residential project:

    1) cost

    2) availability at the local ready-mix plant

    3) interactions with other admixtures

    4) Xypex will affect the concrete setting time, so getting the mix figured out is important

    5) some veneer stone manufacturer warranties depend on the installation details, which may not include using a PRA as a weather-resistive barrier

    6) I've run into masons that won't warranty their work on non-standard installations, so you need to find a mason who is comfortable with the final design and installation details

  4. Chief won't do it automatically. If the township needs a photometric plan, it's easiest (in Chief) to download the manufacturer's isoplots and hand-jamb it the old-fashioned way, but obviously you need to lock in the manufacturer, lamp type, output, spacing, mounting height, distribution, etc. As far as representing the lighting in 3D, you can only approximate things, but if you spend enough time you can get close. Here's a Lithonia KAD LED fixture with a Type III distribution, 4000K color temperature, 35 watts (4200 lumens) on a 10' pole:


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  5. This is an issue we've run into at my office twice after the latest Chief update. I sent the problem into Tech Support, so they are aware of it. The problem is that Chief is looking for a network path or share location, eg:




    The solution is to map the network or share drive to a local drive, eg:




    ...and then go into Preferences>General>Folders>My Data Folder and Browse to the newly mapped local location.

  6. On 5/25/2018 at 12:50 PM, Chopsaw said:


    The insulation pattern is controlled by the block which has to be kept in your user library.


    Yes, I got my statement backwards - color should be controlled by the Distribution Path layer and not the Block color. My bad.

  7. Preferences>General>Folders>All Program Paths>Browse will show you where your User Library is stored. I believe to store your User Library on the cloud you'll need to point the My Data Folder to the local folder that syncs to the cloud location.

  8. On 5/25/2018 at 1:01 AM, Chopsaw said:

    Create a cad block of only one section of  " S " insulation pattern and attach it to a Distribution Path.


    Curved insulation.jpg


    That's nice. It would be even better if:

    1. The resulting color was controlled by the Block and not the Distribution Path layer.

    2. We could block and save a Distribution Path to the Library for quick retrieval.

  9. I opened the file in ACAD, and it's pretty messed up. The lot lines are drawn about 5% larger than labeled, but who can trust lot lines? More telling is the graphical scale, which is drawn 4.8368% longer than labeled. The 30' right-of-way centerline measures 29' 8". So, going by the lot lines and the graphical scale, everything needs to shrink; going by the right-of-way, everything needs to grow. Good luck.

  10. The 880M itself is pretty old (2014) - $400 for 4-year old tech seems steep. Chief recommends 4gb dedicated GPU memory, so upgrading from 2gb should make some kind of difference. I'm no expert, so I like going here to get a quick read on GPU comparisons.

  11. 15 minutes ago, mikes616 said:

    yes, the three lines are fixed and I have a known sized rectangle that must be positioned.


    Well, that's a tough one. I can't think of a graphical solution - I think you'll need somebody whose really good at geometry.

  12. If the rectangle is known, then it's just a matter of drawing the three tangential lines. Or do you mean that the three lines are fixed, and you have to position/rotate the known rectangle to be tangent?

  13. This is a known issue. For this very reason (and some other buggy behaviors that I've sent into tech support), I only use Live View or Color Fill for design development, never deliverables.

  14. Cut a section and examine how the framed wall aligns with the foundation wall, e.g. face-of-stud to face-of-concrete, or face-of-sheathing to face-of-concrete, etc. Then check the Dimension to Exterior of Layer setting in the Wall Type Definitions dialog box (dbx) for both walls. Perhaps the framed wall isn't set to dimension to the layer you expect. Also check the Dimension Defaults>Locate Objects>Walls setting.