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  1. Thank you, your video helped me realize how many more settings there are in X13 to customize dimensioning. It also may be that I was never pushed to realize that they were there because I was just too busy and everything was working as expected. I also really appreciate you expertise in showing me how it is done!

    Now I need to go into a new plan and add all of that.  I usually don't flinch about jumping into another version where there are some changes but I think this version took a jump that I will not mind once I find my way back up to the surface.  Looking forward to starting clean in X13, I do think that the X12 plans are having some problems when they migrate to X13 where there are settings that were not there before as Kbird1 pointed out to me early on.  I think my plan of action is to take some time to add all of the dimensioning options/settings and then know that some of my X12 plans might have some adjustments needed where there are going to be some points that were not there before.  Both of you helped me so much, very grateful :wub:

    1. Renerabbitt


      My pleasure.
      I am working on a module-based set of course curriculum as well as a catalog for chief. Hope to have it complete next year. There are many many many users that have not adopted the large number of new capabilities introduced in the last 3 versions. It may make your head spin to know the level of automation you can achieve.
      I have a youtube channel in my signature and a symbols and content thread here on the forums if you'd like to take a look at additional content here: 


    2. Whitehorse


      Thank you, I look forward to looking at it!

  2. Hi Rene, Very helpful, thank you. Watched it twice and understand, I need to start a new design from scratch in X13 and will add the 1/2" cabinet dimensions. Other members have made some other great suggestions that I am going to try.
  3. Thank you, I appreciate that and will let you know how it goes
  4. Hi Michael, Here is some advise to you. You are not a people person and are just on here to sell your services, I can't believe that you are a Kitchen Designer and actually meet people in person. Out of everyone that has been responding and trying to help you have done nothing but try to find error in how I am using this program. You are also very condescending in your responses. Ding, Ding Ding, do you think you are talking to one of your employees? I feel very bad for them if you do have employees. If you actually read what I have posted you would see what was going on but you obviously don't. I have done just fine until this version and will get training if needed. I have been using this program for about 7 years successfully and will NEVER use this forum again. I thought I would talk to other users just to see if they were experiencing the same issues so that I could make a decision on what to do. When you are using this program, meeting with clients, accepting deliveries and working with installers you don't have the time to know every little thing about this program. I bought Chief because it was user friendly. This Version has some changes and I am not the only one having new issues. I will figure it out, other people who responded actually gave me good advice and were kind, Thank You to everyone except Alaskan Son. Find a job that does not involve humans!
  5. Thank You, As I explained the customer wanted it built that way and I have trouble with the cabinet bottom outline showing up when I have open bottoms on wall cabinets. This goes way back and this is how I can quickly get this done and have points to dimension to. The dimensions should not be picking up the soffit if I am on the cabinet faces, I just eyeball the overhangs on my soffit where I only care about the height dimension. I create a separate detail for moldings. I use cabinets for all of my other plans unless I have a floating shelf, this plan was small enough to send to you. Appreciate all of the comments and time everyone has given to my case. Will watch whatever training videos there are for X13 and have done training in the past. I have learned a lot from the Webinars that Chief has run especially during the past year.
  6. In X12 and before I could get through the dimensioning with the end - end tool very quickly, just dimensions that I wanted so there is a big difference to what the program is picking up on and I think it is because of all of the additional points that it is capable of locating. My cursor is definitely picking up on is the cabinet reveals and the interior of the box and I don't have those set, so I feel there is still an issue but again it could be the X12 factor. The Auto tool picks up everything but you made a good point that I could turn off layers. I do create layers for the soffit, light rail, toeboard molding etc so it would be easy enough to do.
  7. Hi Mark, Looks like I need to spend some time going through all of this. Thank You to everyone who has taken a look. I have been using partitions but great suggestion to use cabinets with just a blank face. I have done that but have been in the habit of using partitions. Dimensions always seem to snap in the center even though I leave the locate to center off in most cases. I learned early on that the auto fillers and blind corner are just a hassle I don't ever use those. I also create either shelves, soffits or partitions for moldings so that I can dimension them easily and avoid unwanted lines in the renderings. This little plan was started off of an X12 file, I have not done one from scratch yet and am hoping that this will get better as I go along. Still tempted to go back to X12 will try all of the suggestions before I do. Best, Debbie
  8. Thank you, Yes, I always use the end to end tool, I spend too much time fixing the manual dimension. Yes in this case I "built" the upper section per what my customer wanted. Where I am having the problem on this plan is on the actual cabinets. It was again grabbing the 1/16" and I spend a lot of time trying to get my point on the correct spot. I looked at my defaults and I have everything checked except the doors and openings. Are you saying that I should uncheck "corners"? I will also look at the reach.
  9. Hi Michael, Here is the response from support for the plan that I sent in to them. Why would I waste anyone's time if I did not?
  10. Hi Michael, Here is a tiny plan, I did draw lines to dimension to. I hope you find that it is user error. MORGAN.zip
  11. Hi Mick, I had this happen a little in X12. Where I am a Kitchen Designer I am aware of all of the new defaults and have gone through every tool to be sure everything is set up correctly. Still having the same problem on all of my plans. All of them have migrated over from X12 but support did not say that it has anything to do with that. I also watch all of the "what's new" videos when I move to a new version. Support sent me a little video showing how they can dimension a few base cabinets in elevation. I have sent the same Customer Support person messages but I don't think they care. Also have used Chief since X4 and have never had problems like this, I am not a newbie.
  12. Hi P, Thank you for your response, I am hoping they will send an update soon. I don't understand why they added all of this to the dimensioning for cabinetry. I sell custom cabinets and none of my customers or installers need all of that information. I will put together a detail if they need more. Very frustrating, also more work to go through all of the defaults for every tool. Going back to X12 where the dimensioning tools are reliable and I don't have to fight with every dimension, draw lines and have to use a calculator to double check everything! Best, Debbie Theriault
  13. Grant from support sent me a video showing me how he can dimension a few base cabinets, not helpful at all where I am having this problem on all of my plans. We went through all the tools to be sure they were all set up the same. No matter what I do it is picking up 1/16" reveals around the doors and also the cabinet interior. I don't understand why they added that in dimensioning unless they are trying to get custom cabinet companies on board. I sell custom cabinets and there is no reason for me to add those dimensions to my plans. I am drawing lines now and getting though my work for now. I do love the rendering in X13 but can't add hours to my day and also have to check everything on a calculator. Thank you for your suggestions but I am throwing the towel in on X13 for now. I see that there are other users having the same issue. I have never had trouble like this since X4. The system also crashed the other night and my virus protection deleted part of the program which is another issue that has never happened. Luckily I did not lose much work where I was able to repair it with Customer Support. I have been the biggest fan of CA and have told many other designers how great the program is but can't say that now, especially where support is not trying to help me. I will hang on a little to see if an update helps but will have to delete X13 for now unless support is willing to screen share with me to see my issues.
  14. Thank you for responding but Support looked at my plan and all of my defaults are set correctly. I am not a new user and know my way around the program for what I do (Kitchen Design) The program is picking up points that the defaults are not set to. I have never had this much trouble and I have been a user since X4 and have had nothing but positive things to say about Chief Architect. My zipped file is larger than what I can attach. I will just draw lines everywhere for the time being and then go back to X12 for new plans until they come out with X14 I might do an hour of training to see if they can solve my problems or see what is going on. The plans that I am working on have migrated from X12 (sadly)
  15. Is anyone else having issues with end to end dimensioning? I am having issues that support told me that they can't find. I will run an end to end dimension on an elevation with kitchen cabinets and the top dimension will be different from the bottom dimension by 1/16" I am having this issue almost everywhere. I now have to check everything with a calculator. I am starting to draw lines to be sure that I have the same start to end points and am having the same problem. Another issue is that it is also giving me a lot of 0" s I am thinking of deleting X13 and going back to X12 The dimensions are also picking up points that are not chosen in the locate settings like the reveals on cabinets and the inside of the cabinet box. I am not a new user, have had Chief since X4