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  1. Eric - Yes, I have reported, but have not heard back. Will let you know what they say. John
  2. Well, things have still changed from the beta. I had just developed a plan in the beta and used the Pine 3 material. Now with the final version Pine is not even a group in the Wood materials. John
  3. For the last 15 years I have been working part time with a handful of small builders in the Harrisburg, Hershey, and Lebanon, PA area. My plan is to take down my shingle at the end of the year I would like to find a designer that I can refer my builders to. Most of this work is additions, porches, etc. with an occasional custom home. This will require someone in the area to work directly with the homeowners to develop plans and construction drawings. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks, John Schniepp
  4. The envelope looks good. Here's the plan Miller Deck.plan
  5. This looks like a bug to me. Anyone else having this problem with scissor trusses? John
  6. Jonathan - Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the plan view of your window is not what I am looking for. Here is a better picture of what I am after. John
  7. I am not sure how to construct a custom casing to do this, Perry. I have temporarily used a CAD mask to show it correctly in plan view. Of course it does not show correctly in a camera view. Your guidance would be appreciated. By the way, in my drawing above, the outside of the window is on top. The opening widens as it comes to the inside surface. Thanks, John
  8. I am putting together as-built drawings for this 100+ year old house. The walls are 13" thick and the window frames taper from the outside in as shown in the attached drawing. I did this as a CAD drawing to show the situation, but I don't know how to model this window in my plan. I thought I remembered someone doing something like this before, but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, John
  9. Thanks everyone. Good ideas, and good suggestions for CA. John
  10. I just started this new project and want to draw the existing house. But I am not sure how to go about modelling these windows. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, John
  11. Is there a mechanism for getting a floating dormer to cut through a ceiling plane. I am designing for scissor trusses on either side of the dormer, so I have the lower pitched ceiling inside. The floating dormer does not cut through this ceiling plane. Is there a way that is more automatic than manually working all the walls, etc.? Any help would be appreciated. John
  12. Here is how I do it. Walls are normally drawn in a clockwise direction, and edit handles show on the outside of the main layer. So, in plan view for vertical walls, if the edit handles are on the left, the start is on the bottom and the end is on the top. If edit handles are on the right, it is the opposite. Similarly, for horizontal walls, if the edit handles are on the top, start is on the left, and end is on the right. If edit handles are on the bottom, it is the opposite. Hope that helps. John
  13. Not sure what you mean by a roller door. But there are sliding barn doors in the bonus catalog that could be resized, if that is what you are looking for. John