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Everything posted by CARMELHILL

  1. They are aware, and working on it. But please submit a bug report so it stays a priority on their list.
  2. Thanks. Sending in the bug report. just in case.
  3. Has anyone noticed that text is printing slightly larger in X14 than it was in X13? I only use Arial font to print 3/16" and 3/32" main text. I measured my 3/16" printed text and it's printing at 1/4". I have a bunch of construction details that now have text running out of the viewport. I also have some text has started to wrap in X14 when it didn't in X13. On the bright side, X14 handles sheets with large amounts of text a lot faster and snappier than X13 did.
  4. Is it just me, or does X14 not cut the ceiling joists correctly at the roof sheathing? I've replicated it a few times. Works fine on X13.
  5. I remember I found a work around back then. I think it was either , start with a fresh blank plan and create a new template for the new release (I might be wrong.), or I also noticed a difference if you resave the file as a new name....that's how I got to layout #90. Lately I've been only updating the same file and overwriting it, but this might also be the source of the problem. I've only RECENTLY started having this issue again. I assumed, probably wrong after Dermot's input, that it was because of an update. It appears more likely it's because I've used the same file for too many updates. The economy is taking a crap, so this is when I usually update all our borders, estimation item costs, etc. So I'll have some down time soon to do a new fresh X14 template. But seriously, EVERYONE, thank you.
  6. Dermot, I narrowed it down. It has something to do with when when you designate the file to be used as a Layout Template file.
  7. Dermot, I get that. I understand the Designer portion of the pre-filled text through preferences. I myself have never done it through the Preferences tab. I instead had it prefilled out on the sheet through the designer toolbar, and saved the filed ASIS. I'm guessing Chief is now overwriting the data boxes in the file because the Preferences data boxes were blank. SO I can fix this by doing it your way, which I see is the correct way. This data should never change anyway. But what about the CLIENT info boxes. Is Chief clearing out those when opening a new template file, because the info is there when I manually open the file, but disappears when Chief opens it as a default file......which it hasn't done in the past. Here's my reasoning, and it's silly, I know. If you don't give employees explicit directions on how to fill stuff out, they do it hap hazard and wrong and then I'm fixing it. Text is done in lower case, they name the file wrong, they put the cell phone by the home phone, etc......stupid clerical mistakes. That's why I have these prefilled so they know exactly where and how I want it done.
  8. I sent this video to Keri at tech, maybe she can figure it out.
  9. No to both. I keep a clean file of both the plan and layout files, with no walls or anything in them. I resave them with a new client name whenever I start a new project. I update the settings as I go, resaving the layout and plan files with new numbers....LAYOUT 91, LAYOUT 92, PLAN 91, PLAN 92, PLAN 93 ........etc... Thanks for the input guys. I'll see if it's a problem on the office computer tomorrow morning. I know my assistance mentioned it two days ago on his computer too. I really think after 2 years, it's time for a fresh blank template plan to start over.
  10. Yes. It is. See attached. Opens fine manually, but when it opens as a template it clears all the information and loads up blank.
  11. I attached the file here. I'm guessing it's a glitch with copying over a template from X13. I think I'll have to start with blank and create a new template , importing all my data, defaults, and preferences. LAYOUT - 92.layout
  12. I sent the screen grabs and the files to the bug submit 5 minutes ago.
  13. No. I'm talking about my own template files that I've been using for a few years.
  14. This annoying problem is happening again in X14. All template file border text is clearing from the designer info and client info when loading a template. Just a dam weird bug for me. The template border and plan work fine if I open them manually, but if they are set as the template to open as default new plan/border in preferences........Preferences-General-New Plans, then it opens with all the design/client info cleared out.
  15. Did we lose the ability to move object's schedule labels or is this a known bug in 14? I was working on a plan yesterday in x13, creating a restaurant equipment schedule. This morning I opened it in X14 and I can't move schedule labels around. Some are populating in annoying locations. Or did they create a new setting to move it? Attached image I can't move E06 label onto the warming oven, to align with the three other units above it.
  16. It's funny how this came up twice today in separate threads. I should buy a lotto ticket tomorrow.
  17. Thanks for that idea Joe. I also have some left over paper space above my revision table that I can insert that. The sheet index has been getting squeezed out by the increased code references like the new climate data Manual J criteria.
  18. No, they were checked. I'm just a putz for not looking in the help file.
  19. Mark, Thank you so much. I never knew # was an option.
  20. I've grappled with this before and decided to give it another shot. But it still doesn't work for me. I want the layout sheets to automatically number themselves. I tried using A-%page% in the Layout Page Specification, Label. It works for the sheet numbering but it doesn't report to the Layout Page Table Specification correctly. It only displays the sheet number your currently on. I know someone smarter than me has already done this. Any ideas? I'm trying to set this up to eventually work property with X-14 and the linked callouts to sections sheets, elevation sheets, and detail sheets, but still work properly with the layout table (biggest feature I've wanted for years LINKED CALLOUTS.......yay yay wahoooooooo I hate renumbering sheets when I've deleted a sheet, or combined 2 elevation sheets onto one sheet. Going through 22 pages of drawings to renumber them should be an automatic feature. Still on X-13
  21. Maybe a dumb comment, but the layout table only includes sheets that have something on them, besides the border template. If you don't have any text, plans, or layout views on that sheet it won't report to the table. If your just starting out a new border template you won't have any sheets reporting to the table.
  22. Just catching up on some Twinmotion comments and saw your post. 30 crashes a day on X13? It's gotta be your hardware. I run it all day and it never crashes. I mean never.