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Everything posted by CARMELHILL

  1. Doug's right. The text is placing completely wrong. I'll select text for a 10" foundation wall and instead it will place a note for foundation rigid insulation board (just an example of many). I spent 3 hours at home late last night copying all the notes to MSWord and then placing them individually back into the user library. When I went to export those new librarys so I could take them to the office for importing onto the office machines, the program crashed repeatedly. I had to try a few times. On some, I had to break the exports into 10 notes at a time. We imported them onto the office computers this morning and they still are wrong and corrupted. I'm going to call Tech support on Wednesday afternoon.
  2. We have noticed a problem with X6 on three separate computers. The notes we import and place from our User Library do not import correctly. I'll select a note for 8" concrete block, it previews correctly in the Library Browser, but when placed is imports a totally different not. I have deleted the library and reimported the notes from an older X5 version which worked correctly, but it still occurs. Anyone else notice this?
  3. I am running Windows 8 with an add on called Classic Shell. I built my own system 4 months ago with almost the exact specs you mentioned for around $2100. See my signature. Right now I am building a new system with the top notch i7 4960X Extreme but all the other specs will be basically the same. It's a lot easier then I thought it would be. The SD makes boot up and Chief load up very fast. I would have loved a system with a dual Xeon setup, but who can afford that on the salaries we make? And SLI or Crossfire isn't supported yet by Chief so there is no reason for multiple video cards yet. Good luck.