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  1. I imported a survey plan of a two acre sloped two acre lot that was drawn in AutoCAD. The problem I am having is the trying to do a perspective full overview. I get a warning "You have 22041 elevation points. The terrain interpolation will take a long time to generate. Would you like to use the linear interpolator instead?" I tried running the perspective full overview and it runs for hours. The file size of the imported survey plan is 38,441 KB. There are only 24 contour lines When I click on one of the contour lines I see that there are hundreds of edit handles along each line. Is there a way to smooth out each line by reducing the number of edit handles ? I'm hoping that might reduce the file size and allow me to do a perspective full overview. Has anyone experienced this before ? Thanks, Mike
  2. I tried it and it doesn't work. Yes the windows do not show up on the floor plan. What does show is all the openings of the windows. In the plan view it looks like there is a lot of doorway openings where there is none. What would be great if CA allowed use do define a height of a cut plane in plan view like the cross section slider in perspective view does.
  3. I tried that. On my plan the upper windows are narrower than the lower doors, windows and cased opening. The cased opening is 8'-0" wide. Above that are 3 - 2020 windows. Those high windows very clearly show up in the cased opening. This makes it confusing to who ever is reading the plans. On your plans you have all windows of the same width. Try changing the lower window to swinging doors. You will see a window symbol over the top of the door symbol. It looks like I will have to draw this room as a 2 story and designate it as open to below.
  4. How would you show a clear story window over a front door and 2 side lights windows ? You do not want the clear story window to show on the floor plan. That would place a window symbol over the door symbol. That would be confusing when reading the plans.
  5. This is one high one story room. I tried changing the height of the windows reference from floor to absolute. That didn't change anything.
  6. I am working on a project where there is a 24' high turret. At the bottom of this room is a door and 2 windows. At the top is 8 - 2020 windows around the perimeter of the turret. These window are showing up on the floor plan over the lower door and windows. Is there a way to prevent the high window from showing up on the floor plan. I can call off the windows on the elevations. Thanks, Mike
  7. I just started a project were the clients wants to build a small apartment building with a couple of attached shops. They want the style to be of an old Tuscany village. They built a model of the building with the colors an materials they want to use. I have attached a picture of their model. One unit they want destressed yellow plaster. Another unit they want it to look like brick walls that were covered with a yellow plaster that has been waring off over the years. The question I have is, how do I get the exterior walls in Chief to look like the walls in their model ? Are there patterns that look like their model ? If not is there a way to create these patterns ? Thanks, Mike
  8. I was following along with this tutorial when I drew the plan. I did exactly what he was showing in the tutorial. His trusses sit on top of the top plates and mine sit below the top plates. I just called tech support. They said to copy the dimension shown in "vertical structure depth" and paste in the the "heel height". This will place the truss on top of the top plates. Thanks, Mike
  9. I doing a small practice project using trusses. When I do a cross section I see that the trusses are not sitting on top of the top plates, they are sitting about 4" below the top plates. I'm sure there is a setting that controls how the trusses sit on the top plates. I don't know what that setting is. I'm using X15. I attached a copy of the plan. Thanks, Mike Truss Plan.plan
  10. Thank you for the video. I did not think of the start and end point of the line and how that would effect the arrows merging together into one continues line. Thank you for your help, Mike
  11. Arrows Merging Together.plan Attached is a plan file that shows two different examples of the arrows merging together and converting to a continues line with the arrows removed. I assuming there is a setting that keeps this from happening. Thanks, Mike Arrows Merging Together.plan
  12. When I use 2 arrows pointing at each other they merge into one line and the arrows disappear. Is there a way to stop the 2 arrows from merging together into one line ? Thanks, Mike
  13. I tried what you suggested. I would not work. I tried in plan view, elevation view and perspective view. There was no handles at the break on either side of the door. There is an edit handle that move the entire molding polyline around the building. I gave up and redrew the molding polyline again. That works. Thanks, Mike
  14. I am working on project where we have an exterior molding polyline going around the ADU. There are two exterior doors where the molding is cut (not continuing across the doors). We made one of the door narrower. Originally it was 36" wide now it will be 30" wide. The molding has not adjusted the the smaller door. It is stopping 2" short on either side of the door. There must me a way to adjust the molding polyline so it is cut off at the door and not 2" short. I just know how to do it. Thanks, Mike
  15. Is there a way to resize text in one direction only ? Every once in a while I am working on as project that has a title that is a little longer than my title block. I want to kept the height of the text but reduce the length. In AutoCAD you can reduce or increase an object or text in either the X or Y direction. Is there a way do do this in Chief ? Thanks, Mike