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About amddrafting

  • Birthday 08/02/1976

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    Lubbock, Texas

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  1. Nevermind... just found this exact example in the Ruby Script Tutorial height = room.ceiling_elevation - room.floor_elevation nf = nf.unit = "'-\"" # Hyphenated feet and inches nf.use_fractions = true nf.apply(height)
  2. I'm using the script below to make ceiling height indicators in the framing plan and the current output is 9 FT-1 1/8 IN using this code... nf = nf.unit = 'ft-in' nf.use_fractions = true nf.denominator = 8 nf.show_unit = true nf.apply(room.ceiling_elevation) I want it to output 9'-1 1/8" instead. Is it possible to do this without extensive coding?
  3. I might not be getting the whole layout I'm still fairly new to this software, but I could be missing the who point as well. I was working trying the get the manufacturer data from this door handle and have the custom filed show that data so I can then show it in a schedule
  4. Just trying to see what I'm doing wrong I'm made a custom field on a door that is trying to get a macro to work so it gets the data I have on the door handle components and show the model number I have in the manufacture row.
  5. Wow man, this was my next thought on how I could use "Room Type" and define them in a commercial template as such. Then if the "Room Type" was "Business", "Assembly", "Educational", etc. It would automatically update the label and update the occupancy calculation. Super powerful tool and kicking myself for nothing thinking of this stuff sooner.
  6. Amazing! Thank you so much! This works perfectly. Now the next step will be taking that result and multiplying it by .2 to get inches required for openable door clearance code requirement. Any thoughts? It would be an if / then scenario. Ultimate goal would be to get the second number in this graph to display required door opening clearance. Minimum is 32" but if it exceeds 32" then I would want it to show the actual required amount. Then I'll need a macro that will count width of doors provided (if labeled "egress') in the room The end goal would be to just have these in the library that I could paste into the room depending on the room type. But I'd love to take it a step further and only need one object that could be place in any room and pick up the room type and change the calculation as needed based on the room type definition. (see my post below in response to Rabbit)
  7. Morning all... I'm trying to create a macro to calculate the occupancy load of a room by taking the interior square footage of the room and dividing it by the occupancy load for occupancy type. Using ChatGPT I got the result of this macro that should help me get the result I need but it's not working. I assume I first have to get rid of the unit text in order to divide by the occupant load I want to divide by. So this is the code it came up with. Anyone ruby script people know what is wrong here? Does this need to be different because it's in CA? Any help would be appreciated. source_information = %room.area.internal% numeric_part = source_information.match(/\d+/)[0] numeric_value = numeric_part.to_i result = numeric_value / 20 puts result
  8. Funny, I searched "Room Numbers" and got none of these results otherwise I wouldn't have posted it
  9. Good morning folks. Since we are getting into more commercial work it is more common for us to display room numbers on plans. I noticed that the schedule has an option to show room numbers but there is no macro for us to be able to include room numbers to display in a text box or even in the room label that I can find. Is this a possibility or are we stuck manually entering in room numbers?
  10. Talking to a Pella rep this morning I had mentioned the library and named the series we have access to, and they told me that those names / series are about 5 years outdated. I realize that this is something that is probably not a priority for CA, but I just want to advise whoever that you might want to look into updating your Manufacturer libraries to current specifications/names. If you use Pella windows in the Manufacturers Catalogue, I was advised they can get close to what those were, but they are not the same anymore.
  11. Smoothing angle fixed it. Thank you. Even though I have "Always Ask" checked it doesn't ask me anymore when I go to adjust it. It's what I'm used to seeing and that's why it's never been an issue until recently. Not sure why it's not asking me anymore.
  12. This has never happened until recently. When I go to stretch a tub to fit the specified dimension I need it loses it's 2D info. When I click "generate block" in the 2D section of the tub dbx it won't generate the symbol or won't automatically update when the setting is set to auto generate. It's just a box showing the drains. Any Thoughts?
  13. That's what I was afraid of. I figured it was still too complex to not have some sort of process going. I plan on just doing like you said and exporting daily/weekly and having them reimport the library as needed. If they create library objects/details I usually have them export it to the library folder and then I reimport to my library then export the entire library with new items added. Then just have them import that full library weekly. I appreciate the feedback Rabbit!
  14. I'm sure this one has been talked to death but I did a search and couldn't find any topics right away. So with X15 can we now share a single User Library if we keep it in a shared cloud environment? We use MS Teams and work mostly remotely. I have all of our templates pointed to one shared folder in our Chief Architect Teams folder. I have all of our library objects that are created by an individual shared to a folder so we can all import those objects, details, etc so we have all keep a similar updated library. I also maintain the most comprehensive User Library and export it often so people can reimport the whole user library if needed. This is obviously a lot of work. My goal would be to move our user library to that location in teams and point everyone's CA program to that location and share that User Library with everyone. Meaning when we all open our CA that folder directory points to that file to load the User Library. In the past when I tried that we would get overwritten libraries and people would lose folders worth of library objects. I thought this was already resolved and possible but I just want to make sure I'm safe to move forward on this work flow, or are we still waiting for that feature to become a thing? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.