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Everything posted by Hammer7

  1. Yes, thank you and I am doing just that. I suspect I am among the crowd that finds somethings frustrating because there is not a Sawzall button and a hammer button, lol
  2. user error, So I was trying to tweak and improve some small items towards the end of the day yesterday and I corrupted part of my drawing. Is it recommended that one turns off certain auto generated features to avoid this? What I don't really understand is how these dormer exteriors autogenerated in an asymmetrical manner? small changes big results
  3. Good morning, I'm a new user to Chief and I have just upgraded from HD 2020. Is there a way to create a wall type "Demo" so that one can show existing wall/s to be removed? I figured out how to change the hatching on interior walls for graphic display but it changes all of them. I want to keep certain existing walls and demolish others at specific locations. A point to a video tutorial is greatly appreciated?
  4. Overall things are looking better but I understand the geometry of the roof planes but do not know how to adjust them and where the controls are located. I changed the eave overhead setting and shortened the soffits yet there is still something poking through the inside ceiling. I'll try again later,
  5. Yes, this shows that the program is generating a boxed eave inside the roof of the main roof
  6. Dormer_study_12_18.19.plan
  7. Eric's video was very helpful. I'm a lot closer now after learning and trying the reflect about copy technique. I was successful with the second method and with the transform replicate I'm still getting an error message when I try to join the roofs even though they are all 12 pitch. This is the inside view witch is better but still not joined properly. The little items poking out of the ceiling look like the program building a boxed eave on this inside edge of the dormer roof...? I'll post the roof message too.
  8. Yes, indeed, thank you Tommy!
  9. I think the interior chatter marks are the program trying to create a boxed eave in the roof space. I wonder if it is programed to not do that on a dormer?
  10. Wow! Thank you Solver, this is a big help!
  11. Dormer_study_12_17.19.plan
  12. It's getting better but still having problems on the inside, see attached screenshot
  13. Updated, hopefully my signature is there now
  14. Thank you Robert. Cape_Modifications.plan
  15. Thank you Tommy, I was not specific because some of the nomenclature I'm unfamiliar with. It is not the ceiling lines but the dormer walls, the right side of the left dormer is corrupted and I'm not yet able to figure out how to heal it or even how to select it. The right side dormer is fine but the left is messed up.
  16. Good morning, I'm trying to repair a dormer. I just switched from Home Designer to Chief and I'm working on learning many new available features and trying to learn all I can as quickly as I can. There are some lines in this sample screenshot that were created at some point and I do not know what they are or how to select and manipulate them. Any help that anyone has in there identifications and adjustment is appreciated. Thank you
  17. Thank you, making some progress but still searching for ways to keep my drawings stable. I tried to add a door and move some things around on the inside of this room and did not like it so I clicked undo to revert back and now this door is out of position and the floor has dropped. When I correct the measurement it keeps reverting back tot he unwanted change....? Any recommendations?
  18. I'm running into some challenges with a few things in Home Designer and Looking for some quick help to get over a few items? If anyone has time today please reach out? Thank you, J
  19. Hello and happy thanksgiving to all! I know now that roof definition is important and that it enables control and input for many different elements in a room. I have created a fairly well developed plan but now I need to select this space above a garage and I am not able to select the floor as the room seems not to be defined. How do I diagnose the problem? Yes, I am reading through all of the reference info while I search for the answer. Thank you, J
  20. Does anyone know of an existing conditions checklist that I might use? Thank you,
  21. Is there anyone online tonight that might be able to help with a project? Thanks, J