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About TJDDesigns

  • Birthday 02/18/1968

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  1. If I remember correctly, you also should have a foundation on the plan in addition to the roof. It helped me with light bleed issues in the past when I was using X13 & X14. Hope this helps.
  2. Thank you! I didn't even think of trying that
  3. I am trying to put 2 different sizes of a cabinet pull on a Pantry/utility cabinet for a client. The top door pull is smaller in length than the bottom door pull. Since I don't see a way to do this through the Full Height Cabinet Specifications menu, I figured I would manually place the pulls as a cad item and put into the correct location as a work around. But I am finding that when I try that the individual pull attaches to the cabinet as the one to use. Which would be great in most circumstances to quickly change out the pull or knob, but for this project I need them to be different. Is my only option to create a cad item from scratch so that it doesn't recognize as a pull? I am hoping to avoid this tediousness and any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. I also have the one Charles mentioned. I have had it for about 6 months and it has been great. We had some random power outages lately and so far it has protected my system.