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  1. Thank you. I knew I was missing something easy. Appreciate the help.
  2. I must be missing something easy here. I am working on a three story design, I am on the middle floor and I have my stairs stacked. How do I get the stair arrows to show for both up and down on this floor? Right now, only the up is displaying. Thanks, Jess Kittle Custom Home Design Premier X15
  3. I agree, this is a better solution to show what is existing (with the skewed ends of the ramp), but in this case I don't need it to be exact. From my understanding this ramp will be torn down and replaced with a different walkway, to go around a new addition to the home. Thank you.
  4. Thank you, this did the trick for what I need to show the client.
  5. I am trying to recreate an existing wood deck ramp (see attached pictures). I have started in on the ramp tool but I haven't figured out how to get the base to be lumber instead of a sloped solid. I wouldn't care if it was still a solid but the bottom was sloped to match the top, that would work for what I am trying to do. I just want to try to use the ramp tool before I resort to having to build it out of polyline solids. I hope I am just missing a check box or setting. Thanks in advance... Jess
  6. Thanks everyone, this helped save a lot of time, now I just need to clean it up a little. Solver, no, I know how to exchange two floors, I was just having a hard time figuring out how to do a reverse plan but doing that top to bottom instead of side to side.
  7. I swear this has got to be easy and I am just missing it. I see where I can reflect the drawing side to side (right to left) but I have a client that wants to reflect his plan top to bottom, is there an easy way to do this or do I need to draw a match line on each floor and start selecting and flipping? Thanks for you help!
  8. This is the only topic that I could find that talked about creating a business sign, so I am going to ask my question here. I have a logo (png file), I just want to attach the logo on the sign of a sign board (6'x4') and then attach that to the side of my building, how do I make this happen? I like what rlackore did with the freestanding sign in the rendering that he posted above. Or, how do I turn that logo into a material in Chief? I have the sign board on the side of the building and I can select something in the materials list (like Fire 5) and that sign board will have flames on it (instead of the logo that I want). So I think that would be the easiest thing, turn my logo into a material and then I can just select it and chose it to be on the face of the sign board. I think this is probably a pretty simple thing, but I am just missing a step and I am tired of spinning my wheels. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  9. Ok, it's doable, that's good to know. I am going to have to figure out how to make that happen!
  10. I think it would be nice to show it that way on the renderings, but if it's not possible or takes too much time to create, then maybe I can just use a double crossbuck design and note it as a dutch door.
  11. I have a client that is wanting a "barndominium", I need to use a dutch door for the exterior stable doors. Is there a catalog with a dutch door or a way to create a dutch door in Chief? I found the Tack Room catalog and I am going to use the stall door on the interior of the stables but it won't work for the exterior stable doors.
  12. dshall, thanks! That solved it, just shut the program down and reload it and it copy and pasted just fine, as normal. I thought maybe it had something to do with the program update that I did this morning. I guess I should have done that before beating my head against the wall for the last half an hour. Thanks for the help!
  13. Am I missing something? I swear I used to be able to go into an old plan and copy items (specifically posts, beams, korbels, pillars, etc.) that I have already drawn and then paste them into the new drawing that I am working on, without having to recreate them all over again. I'm not going crazy, you used to be able to do that, right? Is that option really not available anymore or am I just doing it wrong? I guess I could block them and add them to my user library but that is not as quick and as easy as just doing a copy and paste.