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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Thanks all, With Michaels help I was able to successfully miter the polyline solid by converting it to a solid. Once I have all the bugs figured out and see if this can be done consistently I will try to post a revised video for you all.

    Thanks Again, Chopsaw


  2. Ray Tracing is a real art form that I have not yet mastered but to achieve the results I think you are looking for I would try turning off Photon Mapping as I believe this will make a dramatic difference.  While you are running 50 or more passes you can do some more reading on the subject.  With this off I believe lighting becomes a more critical situation so be careful. You may want to reduce the output of your table lamp to start with.  Maybe also add a soft light behind the camera.

  3. Here is a link to a thread on the same topic that Adrean is working on:

    Mvman: If you are still interested in the subject you may want to post there. If you made progress with your January project post here or send me a PM as I am still pursuing this goal. We may be able to share some info and help each other out. Possibly even improve the software.

  4. I rarely use the Pan camera but it seems to function for me in X8 just as you describe in X7. If you would like to post your camera settings I will compare them to mine if you like.

    P.S. Looks like your signature could use an update.

  5. Thanks Jerry, I was in a hurry and missed the step of saving to library and then placing back into plan. The library seems to also be a hospital as it seems to rewrite the file and clean it up. My symbol still wanted to snap to the wall after editing (see attached) but was restored in the library (hospital).

    If you have a preferred custom font you can set up your "Default Label Style" so you always get that. Default Settings> Text, Callouts and Markers> Text Styles> Default Label Style> Edit (Not Arial)


  6. Teresa,   Sorry but I did not mean to leave you on you own but I was able to enjoy a day off.  Looks like Jerry was able to give you what you needed.  When you are ready to there is a whole new world to explore with symbols by opening them with this tool  post-4797-0-81164400-1468803847.jpg  that I referred to this morning.  This is also where you need to be to edit the associated 2D cad block.


    Jerry, Nice work on your symbol.  Did you recreate or just edit? Your offsets seemed to work out better than mine.   Always learning.

  7. If You like you can use the existing "Duplex (weatherproof)"  and open the symbol DBX and go to Options tab and select Ceiling Mounted Placement and then rotate using the tools in the 3D tab and also control the elevation in the Std. DBX.  As Joe said then change the 2D block and add to library for next time.


    Michael did a good video on 2D Cad Block a while back:


  8. So then the Polyline Subtraction Tool should work the same for a task in elevation view as a task in plan view?  That is what I thought but I run into these things soo often that I can't just assume that everything is broken.  I actually did rotate and test the Polyline Subtraction tool on the psolids first before resorting to converting to solids, too bad you can't convert back.  So maybe the fix did not work.  Looks like some more volunteer R&D hours for the Chief again.  But thanks for sending me in the right direction again.



  9. This is my first attempt at drawing a Metal Floor Pan Decking System and have not been able to find any thing searching on Chief. I think this is quite common construction in light commercial so I surprised to not find anything or maybe I am not searching correctly.

    Not sure if I am even heading in the right direction trying to get started so any and a help would be much appreciated if someone is familiar with drawing this style of floor system. I think I can handle the 2D but need some help with 3D. I suppose that I could just draw the slab and profile the bottom of it and explode the shape and paint the faces but then I would still have the miter problem.

    P.S. Any video critique would also be helpful as I am not sure I have all my settings dialed in yet.

  10. Johnny, That is true for new construction or at least it should be most of the time with some exceptions like if you want to specify how to cut an angle generated by a standard roof pitch to an accuracy of .5o so a contractor can set his saw without screwing around and making a calculation error not to mention non standard roof pitches and existing drawings where you have no control.  The last time I wanted to use an auto angle dimension I searched the Forum and found this:  So there is a way to change the precision or number of decimal places.  It is just not possible for a software user it must be done by the software writers.

  11. Ok so then when Johnny gets up in the morning maybe he can check to see if his plan has duplicate valley lines.  Other wise this really does not make much sense to me and maybe should get sent in to tech ?? 

  12. Yes Glenn, Experience and Intuition are always better but for people like me there is a Help File.

    I just wondered how you came up with your answer and what kind of intuition you need to have to know what XOR means.



  13. Glen, Is that something you figured out the hard way because based on the Help File I have no idea how you came up with that? Glad that it worked but???

    Help File Quote: "• Use XOR Drawing changes the color of lines in the Reference Floor that are drawn on top of one another. Lines with identical properties do not display."


  14. If you don't get an answer in a short period of time you may want to post the plan file as there are many experts that are willing to help out here.  Otherwise you are depending on someone who has experienced the exact same problem as you are describing.  Rather than someone who can quickly diagnose you plan file.  Screen shots are also quite helpful and can be posted.

  15. One other thing that I should clarify is the majority of plants in the library that I previously referred to as 3D are actually 2D images that rotate to face the camera creating the illusion of 3D.  However there are some actual 3D plants to be downloaded and these have attached cad blocks that can also be used in your cad detail if already imported into you plan they can be accessed under CAD> CAD Block Management> Select and Insert.


    Also Best Answer is an award system to be given to the person who provides the most appropriate answer, not yourself.  It also keeps the best answer at the top of the Thread with your question for others to quickly reference.


    Cheers,  Chopsaw

  16. My understanding is that for 3D terrain features and plants you must make you plot plan in a std. plan view with a terrain perimeter. However if 3D is not important you can place 2D image cad blocks into a cad detail plot plan from the CA 3D Library under CAD "Image CAD Blocks" available for download.

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