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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. If you make the shower an independent room you can change the floor height and it should auto frame accordingly. If you drop it too far you may have to double up joists or reduce the centers as you are in charge of structure in Chief. Post the plan or some screen shots if that does not work for you.

  2. Awesome, I will give that a try and let you know, great to have you over there on the other side when pulling an all nighter.


    That was it, why it happened and how you figured it out I will never know but thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. It was inside the wall !! Great to have the new x-ray camera in X8.



  3. Electrical Panel is on Electrical layer and shows in Floor plan and Electrical Floor Plan but will not show in camera view or elevation view both with Electrical layer turned on when all other items on electrical layer display fine. Panel is surface mounted and set at 70" and has not been lost to basement or attic.


    Sorry plan is not available, but wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this?


  4. Not sure about the angle lines but you may have your snap units set too large and you just cant get anywhere close.  So try setting your snap units temporarily to 1/16 or some small amount and get the railing close then move it in with your arrow keys.


    You might also set your siding-4 main layer to be the studs.  Or try the point to point tool if you are aligning with main layer.


    Works fine in X8.


  5. Thanks Scott, ( and that other unnamed person )


    I think it must be time to hit the suggestion forum with this however until Chief makes this a little easier there is a trick to create a new current cad layer which the auto details will be placed onto and then you have some control by going to the all off set and turning on your custom layer to edit or delete.

  6. Is this really a one way street for auto detail or is there a way to refresh, updated or delete and redetail?  I did put it all on a separate cad layer but this seems to be an unreasonable amount of work. What am I missing?

  7. I thought I remembered reading about this on the forum as an X7 issue but it still seems to be an issue in the current version of X8.  I will report this to tech next week but is there any way to get around this for now?  I can over rotate to compensate but there is also a distortion issue.  Ok to rotate 180o but squished at 90and distorted any where in between.


  8. Ryan,  Thank you for that clarification.  In my conversation with AMD tech support they explained that their Workstation cards are optimized for vector display and although they were not familiar with Chief Architect did recommend the Fire Pro series for 3D architectural rendering.  I took the time to explain to them that I felt that Chief's most demanding use of the GPU was not for vector display. They explained that their gaming cards excel with display of material application to polygon surfaces for Virtual Reality gaming.  I explained that this is what Chief Architect is all about.


    It might be good for you to have a chat with them, maybe get some free products for testing.