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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. This is quite interesting as I had an issue last week that tech support suggested  had something to do with my video card.  I had a conversation with AMD tech support and they recommended their Fire Pro line but when I checked the CA recommendations it clearly states "Gaming Card" :


    I then questioned tech support about this in respect to my current support inquiry and they ignored my question. 


    When my system gets choked up I open Task Manager and usually find that CPU and Memory are operating at less than 25% capacity.  Does anyone know of a way to monitor GPU in real time?  This would answer a lot of questions for me and I suspect that Whistler is facing the same issues that I am with just a slightly older setup.



  2. This is for Sherry just in case you missed something while you were off-line and Alan and Antoine and anyone else that missed the meeting or would like to see it again. This video is in full 1080p HD courtesy of YouTube's unlimited storage. Thanks again for hosting Scott. Thanks also to Scott Harris for participating.



    P.S. There is one audio track missing from the video but it is only mine and I did not have much input. I think I can fix this for the next video.  Edited 2016 10 22

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  3. Open both plans and CTRL + C on plan A then CTRL + ALT + V on plan B providing that you have used the same origin on both plans as I would have started with the house plan and drawn the site plan around that.  And copy what ever layers you need, likely just the Plan footprint should be all that is necessary.

  4. Johnny,  Thanks for testing the situation for me, those are the results that I would expect to get but for some reason am not.


    Glenn, Sorry, I may not have been clear enough before but I was able to convert to Advanced Splines from Normal Splines and did not notice any appreciable improvement.


    Thanks Guys.

  5. Glenn, I would like to use advanced splines but it presents the same problems. It was a plain polyline before I converted it and it was fine at that point but I need the curves for the shoreline or it won't look right. Don't really want to have print it and finish it by hand. I just cant believe one simple cad item could bring my system to it's knees. If I was maxing out my video card would it not also affect other programs running at the same time. My mouse moves in leaps and bounds but only in Chief.

  6. Would it seem reasonable that 1 Spline polyline would increase my plan file size from 4 MB to 80 MB and make my computer so slow that is almost unusable. Now the Spline polyline is over 4000' long by 5' wide and is curved every 50' or so but really this is crazy. I need 7 of these with transparent fill and I can't finish the first one.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated before I call tech in the morning.

  7. If it is and absolute necessity use all the tools that Rich used to create the size of shutter you need and then convert to symbol and use in your plan.  Edit symbol for exact replica using polyline solid components paint and recreate symbol.  Not easy but can be done if necessary and someone is paying.  Or maybe check the 3D warehouse first before wasting a whole lot of time.

  8. Rich,  I was able to get a sharp inside 90 with a  6" wall after I posted the first pic. I you want to look at the plan I can post for you. It is just a matter of finding the correct handle.  And Oh I think I crashed because I had 2 plans open and the other had already maxed out my video card.

  9. Hi Scott,  Yes three walls with the radius created by a "Curved Exterior Wall"  post-4797-0-49374100-1471661230.jpg  cranked around as tight as it will go to form a 90corner. Not too difficult. I take that back as Chief just locked up on me after posting.  Tech will be really happy to hear from me again.



  10. There are always variable issues with resolution quality in live views but apparently it is supposed to work that way to save memory and they are supposed to print properly at full resolution.  You may want to send your plan file in to tech so they can check it out for you.

  11. Some of those issues resolve themselves when you print. Try printing to PDF to check. If not post some screen shots and we will all try to help. Or call tech support in the morning if you don't get a response here.


    Based on the issue I assume X8 but please post your version.

  12. Working on a project that I thought I would try a 3D Satellite overview of like Antoine was working on last week:

    So I applied the material to a psolid laying on top of the Terrain Perimeter just slightly smaller that the Terrain Perimeter (matching with the sheet margins) for scaling purposes to match the material source from plan view of a satellite image overlaid with plot plan info.

    The issue being that the only apparent export option from plan view with greater that screen resolution is PDF and that needs to be converted to something else with third party software to make a material with.

    My initial thoughts were to use a .jpg file but maybe there is another format that would produce a higher resolution with a smaller file size? The biggest resolution issue is text and plot lines from the plot plan overlay.

    I did a little more reading and testing and it seems that a .png file format is more suitable for this sort of situation so I tried loading one at 500 dpi. and 3.76 MB that looked better than the 500 dpi. .jpg file but again it is time for Task Manager and another call to Tech Support.